Author nathaniell
Rank 53

Transferring a domain name from Godaddy To Wealthy Affiliate involves a lot of steps, but they are pretty simple. There are tons of reasons to have Wealthy Affiliate as your domain registrar. Personally, I made the switch because:

1) It's cheaper long term

2) They don't change the price on you every year like Godaddy does

3) SSL is going to be introduced, and FREE

4) SSL is $50 per domain at Godaddy and $9 per domain at Namecheap

5) The website builder here is 1000x easier to use than CPanel and Godaddy's system


*After you click "add domain" in Wealthy Affiliate, you need to click "Start Transfer".

*I forgot to mention that if you transfer a domain to Wealthy Affiliate you'll need to register it for one year HERE. This is standard when moving to any registrar.


Here's what the email looks like, and the page where you agree to start the transfer look like.



For Namecheap:

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mjtrusted Premium
Hello, The video is awesome! I did contact Godaddy and their support did only tell me to contact WA to initiate the transfer process. I did just asked for the transfer code. The representative did not explain how to get it as you did :).. I just have to wait now.

I did only plan to transfer this domain, but when they do like that I will transfer all of the ones I have there instead. As I think this is better in the long run as you pointed out above.

Thanks for the info !!
VitaliyG Premium Plus
Thanks brother, I'm in the process of transferring out most if not all my domains from Godaddy. Some of them are still hosted with Godaddy, if this is the case and I want to move the hosting, is there an easy process for that? I haven't really seen an easy tutorial on this yet.
NWTDennis Premium
It's nice to know that you've committed to SiteRubix Nathaniell. Seems like there are still many here at WA who use other hosts for their sites, and I don't think it's because they have been avoiding the domain transfer process.

Your training makes the transfer pretty simple. We will soon have the SSL feature activated and I expect additional upgrades to SiteRubix going into 2017.
speakwealth Premium
Is there any problem with keeping the same email addresses you have with another registrar when moving to Wealthy Affiliate?

I am not worried about loosing the emails themselves, I have all of them on my computer. I just want to keep the same email addresses when I move the registrar over and create it through Wealthy Affiliate.
Numerous Premium
Check out this. When you move hosting you have to reset up the emails generally. Technically you can host your email client at one company and your website at another, but that requires editing the DNS records and paying in two places. Unless you have a good reason to, such as wanting to us G Suite for your email, then I suggest keeping things in the same place.
speakwealth Premium
That is what I want to do, host the email here at WA when I transfer the domain registration. Can I create the same email address or do I have to create a DIFFERENT address?

For instance, the email associated with the site domain I want to move to WA is I want to keep that address and use it on the new site I am building here in preparation for the transfer. (I am not transferring the site itself, just the domain)

Will the WA platform tell me that the address is not available and force me to use a different one?
Numerous Premium
Oh yeah. You can totally create the same email. Without getting to technical, basically what happens is the settings attached to your domain tell other servers where to go looking for your website, email, etc. When you move your domain, the new settings will tell servers to come to WA for the email instead of your old server. So anything you did over there won't have any affect on what you do here.

I've transferred a lot of domains in my time, but not to WA. So, everything I mentioned above should happen automatically when you transfer your domain, but you may want to contact site support to confirm.
nathaniell Premium
Just to add here, yes, you can keep the same email, but every registrar is different. Godaddy an Namecheap make you pay for email, or they offer the option to do one "redirect" email for each domain.

Once you come to WA just make the same email address and all your emails will be delivered properly.
Numerous Premium
I checked the rules. Product Rants are allowed. :) So let me say to anyone that may come see this trainging, as someone who not only develops his own websites and those for clients, run from GoDaddy like they are the plague. I've had clients get hacked through GoDaddy's servers. The way they setup their hosting makes getting anything done take forever, and it will slow down your site hurting your SEO rankings. And if you're not going to host there, why would you keep your domain there. Keep everything in one place.

Very worthwhile training Nathaniel!!!
nathaniell Premium
Ya, this training marked my last time working with Godaddy. The last domain I left on there is set to expire next week.
niazdoc Premium
hello sir , i bought a godaddy domain about 15 days back , i am using it now , its live now with a few posts . I think since it is not covered the 60 days duration . I tried to tranfer to WA , they denied it. is there any option to do t before 60 days ?