Write clear paragraphs

In the texts, the words combine to form sentences and the sentences meet in paragraphs.

A paragraph is a set of sentences that deal with an idea or thought. They are very easy to identify, since they begin with a capital letter, and end separately.

Be sure to write clear paragraphs. When we publish an article I recommend you always start the paragraph with the most important sentence, detailing its meaning.

This will help the reader to better understand all the content of the paragraph. Make sure your paragraphs are not too long, no more than 7-8 sentences.

Write short sentences

Sentences are minor units of meaning. All sentences in the same paragraph refer to the same topic. Try writing short sentences. Shorter sentences are easier to read and understand than longer ones.

Also, you are likely to make fewer grammatical mistakes, since your sentences are nice and short. Try that the sentences do not contain more than 20 words, each language has its own limits.

Also, make sure the paragraphs do not have more than one long sentence each.

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Claudiojuan Premium
Welcome Michelle,
Thank you very much for your comment with these tips we can improve the quality of our texts.
mmussehl Premium
Hey, these are all great tips. I can use these to go back through previous articles. I am sure there is room for improvement!
Claudiojuan Premium
Thank you very much Michelle, my intention is to improve the quality of our publications :-)
Babou3 Premium
Thank you for this training very well written with tricks really very useful.

Claudiojuan Premium
Hi Ingrid
Thank you very much for your comment. In the tutorial I highlight the importance of correct text writing if we intend to have our readers happy.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Excellent advice Claudio. Thanks for this article. Very informative.

Lily 😊
Claudiojuan Premium
Hello Lily,
I'm glad to hear that you found the tutorial useful Thank you very much!
howdoiblog Premium Plus
This is a very well written and detailed tutorial. It is amazing how simply replacing a word or two can make a difference.
Thank you so much for your training!
Keep up the good work!
Claudiojuan Premium
Oh Ivelina, thank you for taking your time reading my tutorials and that you liked them. I try not to miss any of yours. Again thank you very much!