Having slowing website traffic is a cause for concern especially if it's persistent. It is a sure sign that something isn't right with your content, your website, or even SEO practices. And if this isn't resolved soonest, you may find your business unable to meet up with its obligations.

But the great news is that there's always a solution as long as you can identify the cause. And here begins our journey in helping you identify and fix 4 of the most common causes of traffic drops. And also offer tips that can help you resolve issues that the traffic slowdown may have caused.

1 - Absence of an Effective Keyword Strategy

Back in the days when search engines were all about keywords, all you needed to rank was to stuff your pages with keywords. But things have changed so much that you’ll get penalized by Google for keyword stuffing.

In fact, if you do not have an effective keyword strategy, you are likely to witness dwindling traffic, until the point when there's no traffic coming to your website from search engines.

So, how do you resolve the problem of an outdated keyword strategy? The first step to take is clearly identifying the main keyword that you want your business to rank for.

A keyword is simply a search term that people type in the search box when they are trying to find information about something.

Your research should lead you to particular keywords that your target audience uses when they are searching for your products or services.

You can get these keyword ideas using keyword research tools like Google Suggest, Google Trends, and UberSuggest. And when you're able to discover the right keyword for your business, you'll need to find keywords that are related to the main keyword using the same tools mentioned earlier.

Once you're able to find out the main keyword and related keywords, then you can start creating content around them. And if you already have content on your site or blog, then you will need to update them to reflect your choice of keywords.

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ijeomaeze Premium
Isreal, thank you very much for another impressive post. I always learn from your post.
How do I know that the WordPress theme I chose for my website is mobile responsive? Like I said before, all these things are like learning a new language to me. I remember when I built my website last month, I was told to choose any theme that I like. There was no explicit instruction that states the criteria for choosing a theme. I will appreciate it if you or any member clarify this for me. There are other things that I noticed like my name not appearing on the post which has something to do with the theme I chose. I will rather do it right the first time than going back to fix it .
keishalina Premium
hey hi Ijeoma -- good question and all questions are good ones here.....

Israel is likely pretty busy and surely will reply when he can...

In the meantime, the awesome WA community of members are happy to jump in to assist and here we are ....

As for WordPress themes, there is a 'detailed' where you can click on to find out whether it's mobile-friendly ....and frankly, with the increased use of devices such as tablets, phones, it's best to select one that is already mobile-friendly and the latest one recommended is 'Generate Press' ....

And if you've built your site with the free sub-domain - a siterubix site, then, I believe, the default theme is already Generate Press that you're likely building on....

Hope it all works out well for you ... cheerio ... :)
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the compliments, Ijeoma! Keisha has got you covered, I hope she has! According to her, the most recent recommended WordPress theme is Generate Press. If you aren't currently on this particular theme, I recommend you switch to that right away. It's mobile-responsive.

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Hey Keisha, good to have you onboard! Thanks for your great help! Your answer is accurate and excellent.

Israel Olatunji
keishalina Premium
***indeed, of course, you're most welcome, Israel! .... happy to be of help! .. and glad for the confirmation of an 'accurate and excellent' answer! ... Appreciate YOU! .... you're doing fabulously with your helpful training offerings!

keep well, stay strong ... all the best, cheerio ... ⭐️😊⭐️....***
ijeomaeze Premium
Thank you very much.
wesley26 Premium
Good tips !!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your wonderful comment, Wesley! Do not get worried whenever you observe a drop in website traffic. Simply find out where issues are coming from and what to do to fix them.

Israel Olatunji
Dorrie1 Premium Plus
Great tips thank You
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for appreciating it, Dorrie! Much grateful, friend! Keeping SEO in mind while building a site is paramount to becoming a successful blogger. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji
mbouteiller Premium Plus
Hey Israel,

Thank you again. This is very helpful and again, I have this bookmarked. I really appreciate all your info.

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for appreciating my training, Monica! This particular resource is intended to help you identify what could be the likely cause of traffic slowdown and how to fix them.

Israel Olatunji
LMH1968 Premium
Great advice thank you for sharing
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, my friend, Lisa! Glad you found this training helpful! See you build a website full of accomplishments!

Israel Olatunji