Author MegaWealthy9
Rank 866

What do I Use to Help me Face Life Challenges?

Let's be honest for a minute here... Sometimes, life is hard.

WA blog posts about our loved ones' or our own health issues abound. And also about accidents, and other life challenges...

As affiliate marketers doing our best to build our online business, an "outside" challenge like this may be felt even more... we are so busy working towards a better life that this can be a strong reminder that life can be tough. We may feel vulnerable and powerless. And that doesn't feel good at all! 😪 Not good for us, not good for our online business...

Of course, we already all have our coping mechanisms. And at the same time, a lot of us are also open to trying out new ones and see if they work. I am like this myself. I will put almost anything to the test and make up my own mind. If it works, I keep it.

Back in January, I actually wrote a blog post here on WA about one of these coping mechanisms I tested and kept. You can find it here:

"Relief in Times of Hardship":

Earlier this year, my dad went into hospital. I made a short video back then about my coping mechanisms with the hope that it would help others open-minded people. I posted it on my Youtube channel but did not dare post it here on WA because I felt this was not directly related to affiliate marketing.

Now, after months of seeing WA blog posts about similar issues and how they do affect us in our life and work as affiliate marketers, I decided to re-edit that video to remove some irrelevant parts, and to publish it here as a training video.

Tips & Tricks to Stay on Track: Coping Mechanisms to Face Life Challenges

This is also a way to shift and upgrade our mindset... knowing we have effective coping mechanisms when life gets tough can really make us feel stronger and supported. And we can definitely use that in our online business too!

Check it out, test it out, and see if it works for you.

Please press the "Like" button and comment to let me know if you find it useful. Thanks!!

To our Success, 💖


P.S. I did not feel that it was appropriate to include in this description the healing prayer I mention in this video. If you are interested, you can always ask me in a private message or have a look on my Youtube channel.

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survivalwolf Premium
-It feels likes calming down, returning to focus and balance,
Thank You, Sensei Nathalie.
MegaWealthy9 Premium
My pleasure, Paul! Thank YOU for watching this training and leaving your comment! :-)

brileehi Premium
Thank you for the training, Nathalie. It is much appreciated.

MegaWealthy9 Premium
My pleasure, Brian! 😀 Thank YOU for showing your appreciation.

Rob001 Premium
Hi Nathalie, I found your video most interesting. I have never seen anything like it before. The closest I have ever been to it, is learning to relax by listening to an audio recording and then making a similar recording of my own.

It was a kind of very mild hypnotherapy, you probably know the sort of thing. "Imagine you are laying beside a stream on a hot summer's day. All you can hear are the birds and the sound of the water flowing....." etc. etc.

Not really the same but, as I said, it's the nearest I have ever come to doing anything like your video.

Thank you for your video, I shall try it out at the first opportunity.
Best wishes, Rob
MegaWealthy9 Premium
Hi Rob,

Thank you for your comment and for sharing some of your personal experience.

Yes! I do know and use guided meditations too. Very often! And I have to say that it is very powerful to combine both: guided meditation AND tapping. And with some guided meditations, the results can be astounding!!! This is what I have been learning these past few months... which guided meditations can be the most powerful to shift and upgrade our money mindset, which is linked to our general life mindset and gets expressed in ALL areas of our life... hence the training video series I recently started to publish on WA. Did you see this one? Have a beautiful day!

Best wishes,

Rob001 Premium
Hi Nathalie,

Thank you for your reply and the link to your video. I am very impressed with the logic of how the mind, health and body are connected and with the hidden programming in the nervous system. It is a very understandable concept and it follows other thinking about how our minds, bodies and health are very closely connected.

I have always been fascinated by psychology, behavioural therapy and how it works. There is much more to learn about the workings of our brains and their effect on our physical status. I find it all very fascinating and I wish I knew more about it.

Your use of relaxation with other psychology together is also very interesting. I find the whole concept of how it affects our ability to be successful and to attract money extremely interesting.

Thank you again for some very stimulating thoughts.
Best wishes, Rob
MegaWealthy9 Premium
My pleasure, Rob! 😀 Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts with me.

Have a beautiful day.

Best wishes,

Twack Premium
Another excellent training video Nathalie. I had read about 'tapping' in one of your posts but never got round to finding out more about it. Now I know. Sweet. Thank you.
MegaWealthy9 Premium
Thank you for your appreciation, Twack! 😀 Glad to hear you liked it!

Have a beautiful day,

Fleeky Premium Plus
This is a great and simple teaching
On how fo overcome fear
Thank you for sharing Nathalie

MegaWealthy9 Premium
My pleasure, Fleeky! 🥰 I'm glad to read that you like it. 🥰
Fleeky Premium Plus

It is very important to have crossed tapping...right hand >left side or vice versa...
and also to try circular taps clockwise or counterclockwise...

Left hand for emotions
Right hand for rational

Clockwise to fix
Counter to undo
(In southern hemospjere, the opposite)
MegaWealthy9 Premium
Beautiful!! Thank you for this extra information, Fleeky! 😀 Where did you learn this?
Fleeky Premium Plus
By doing...
And then try to,find the flow of earth at that moment in the movement of arms
(As if there is no gravitar force)
It is zizzzling
MegaWealthy9 Premium
Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing, Fleeky! 😀