These are only explanatory lessons and do not show you step by step instructions of what they are teaching you.

That being said, this is really valuable information and will give you a deeper knowledge in this line of business.

Yes. the certificate may be a bit of a gimmick, but it is genuinely certified by Google!

It is free information, and good up to date information.

Give it a try!

I hope this helps someone in here and finds the training in The Digital Garage useful.

If it does, please 'Like' or comment below :)

Thanks for reading.


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Dishan Premium
Thanks Chris for letting us know, I guess WA also should provide a printable certificate
CoachGom777 Premium
I was looking for a discussion on people asking for actual certificates if any from Kyle or Carson with us completing the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course, when I stumbled upon this post of yours. Helpful, as I'm gonna check this out and enroll myself.

I wanted to have some sort of visual certificate as some clients look for them, "Do you have any certificates that can prove you know what you're talking about?", something like that.
halinphilly Premium
This is pretty awesome. Did you go through the entire coure already, Chris?
chrismason Premium
Hi Halinphilly,
I have yes, done and dusted.
That is my certificate on page 5 :)
It took me 3 days to complete, so it didn't take up too much of my time, but i gained a lot of useful information, and answered some questions which i had.
I Hope it helps.