What is a Spam Referral?
If you have ever delved into the Google Analytics website, and checked out all the features, you may have noticed a few weird things showing up in your HTTP Referrals list. These oddities can really wreck your stats if you're using them for performance metrics and marketing with your analytics.
Here's how you you get there....
Login here:
Then, go to Acquisition
Select All Traffic
Click Referrals
Spam referral traffic is basically traffic from bots that impersonate a referral link.
This fake traffic is designed to make their domain show up in your website analytics so that you’ll visit the site and check them out.
Note: This is ADVANCED training for sure. This stuff is far beyond the WA bootcamp and should not be taken light-heartedly. Bookmark if for reference or use the keyword search at the top of your screen later. It hopefully isn't going anywhere!
MODIFYING your .HTAccess file incorrectly can cause your website to crash.
Please be sure to read this entire training and ensure you're comfortable with BACKING UP and EDITING this very important WordPress configuration file!
Update for Mac users:
Alternatives for Notepad for Mac:
Thanks to Jahbobclato: