When i first got my site up and running, I realised that social media sharing icons are missing at the bottom of every post in Wordpress. It bothers me quite a bit because I understand the power of social media.

So I spent countless days trying to find that some sort of settings in my dashboard to enable social media sharing icons in my site. I could not find it, I felt frustrated each time. Then I came to realise that my theme simply does not have that kind of function so I looked for ways to get those icons.

Imagine my joy when I found out how to get social media sharing icons on my site! Plus it is easy to implement!

If you are in the same situation as me, I hope I can help you out and save you from the pain of spending days trying to figure out how all those html stuff works. So let's get started!

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lynnsam61 Premium
Thanks so much Xin. Just installed it!
Kroher23 Premium
Thanks for the repost of the update. Just installed in on my site.
jivitajay Premium Plus
Thanks Xin for sharing, works great.
texasprinces Premium
Perfect!!! Thank you!!!
dragon101999 Premium
I was just about thinking of that, and I found your blog.
thank you