Author ChrisScott
Rank 23013

Hello, Thank You for Watching So...You Think you can Divi Part Two.

In this trainer we will dig a little deeper into Divi. As I have already stated numerous times, unless you are at least a little techie, Divi might not be for you.

If you haven't seen part 1 please Click Here

I have created a couple of different layouts you can look at for the sole purpose of getting ideas (these websites are for demo purposes only). These are:

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rich6153 Premium
Teddy Bear, you are sensational. I watched the entire training twice! Where can I get training #1?Thank you so much. God bless you dearly. I am so glad your are back!
ChrisScott Premium
Just tap the "Click Here" above in the text.
halinphilly Premium
This is a nice, thorough training. I've been curious about Divi, and it appears to me that you are the go-to Divi guy. So, like Chezbrown, I have starred this for reference. I have some pressing stuff to do, but cannot wait to dig in here later.

Thanks, Chris!
TomasB Premium Plus
Well done Chris. Soldier on.
Chezbrown Premium
Will star this and watch when sober lol. Will let you know what I think when I am lying in the sun. Xx
Chezbrown Premium
You are very welcome Chris. Definitely a Hottie Scottie here in Tenerife lol. Xx
Chezbrown Premium
Thought you were leaving me a nice story here that I could listen to while lying in the sun lol. Xx
Chezbrown Premium
Great training again Chris and have to say you are looking and sounding better than the last time I spoke to you. Xx