Author MarionBlack
Rank 45592

In this video you’re going to learn how to create and tweak your sitemap using Yoast SEO plugin.

If you don't see XML Sitemaps in your SEO menu, then you'll need to enable Advanced Settings which is under SEO > Dashboard > Features.

The next step is to submit your sitemap to Google and the other search engines.

If you're using All in One SEO

Sitemap: Using All In One SEO Plugin

Submit your sitemap to Google

Sitemap: Submit to Google Search Console

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jtaienao Premium
Thank you so much for the training Marion. Much appreciated.
ZHotaki Premium
Thanks Marion for sharing this useful knowledge.
MarionBlack Premium
You're welcome Zaher.
susanmacneil Premium Plus
Thank you, Marion, for another great tutorial!

I appreciate all the knowledge you share with us!

MarionBlack Premium
You're very welcome Susan.
laparra1 Premium
Good morning Marion,

Thank you for this new training, I will pass it on to my better half, my technical man you see, without him I would be nowhere.
I am slowly but surely reaching the level of writing my post on Words, download pictures and then transfer it to draft on admin. Check it with Grammarly, recheck and again recheck and then publish a post a week for each website. At least I have come to this regular posting and do not have to ask after each step: and now what? poor man, more often than not it drove him up the wall and making these websites has been a strain on the relationship sometimes. Just as well he moved from the US to Spain last year so he can not say: I AM MOVING OUT.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
MarionBlack Premium
I know how your better half feels Taetske, I'm tech support too.
Nazila12 Premium
Thanks for info I am going to watch them now :)
MarionBlack Premium
Let me know how it goes for you Nazila.