Author MarionBlack
Rank 45488

In this video you’re going to learn how to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console.

Before you do that you’ll need to set it up using your SEO plugin.

Sitemap: Using All In One SEO Plugin

Sitemap: Using Yoast SEO Plugin

If you're using All In One then your sitemap URL will be and if you're using Yoast then your sitemap URL will

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AdeRobinson Premium
I've just discovered that a plugin that I'm using, Sumo, which I use for list building is causing the status in Fetch as Google to be Partial. When I click in the row to be taken to how google and visitors see my site, I see this error at the bottom:

URL: | TYPE: AJAX | Reason: Error

At the top, I see "Partial" next to the date of the results.

When I remove the plugin, it is changed from "Partial" to "Complete", and there are no errors.

Would this error impact my site indexing? And if so, how may I configure Sumo or my list-builder or any other plugin to not have this error?

@RICH. Premium
Ade, also be aware, that unless you're grandfathered in to the free version, once you exceed 1000 visits a month or so, SumoMe will charge you $360 + taxes per annum for the next 4000 monthly visits.

If you don't pay up, it stops working.

Also, Noah, the owner, admitted in a webinar that I attended that free users go to the end of their server queue for requests, which can seriously impact your load times on occasion, and speed is a ranking metric.
AdeRobinson Premium
Thank you, Richard. I feel that I would have to use an alternative to sumo.
Do you have any suggestions?
I primarily like the pop bar at the top of the page (non-invasive), and a contact form at the bottom or side.
MarionBlack Premium
There are many other plugins you could use apart from Sumo. Check out Contact Form 7 which is very popular.
AdeRobinson Premium
Thank you, Marion!
VandanaR1 Premium
this worked, but down on the bottom there are links that say :

Googlebot couldn't get all resources for this page.

Here's a list:
type: image
reason: blocked
severity: high

anyone know what i did wrong here and how to fix? thanks in advance
MarionBlack Premium
I followed the link and it leads to a banner (see image). Go back to the company you got the link from and they should be able to help.
VandanaR1 Premium
Thanks for your quick response. It didn't give me any info on the company page, but I just put a new banner up. Could some banners just have bugs in them and we should just get new ones? I also noticed I put this in a widget under "visual" vs "text" maybe that did something. When it says "blocked" does that mean this post won't be indexed? sorry for all the questions!
MarionBlack Premium
Code always goes in Text. So use the Text tabs in your post editor and the text widgets instead of the Visual tabs.

It would be the image that's blocked not the whole post.
VandanaR1 Premium
ah! thanks for helping me with that! :D
LindaKwas Premium
Thanks for this...I am somehow miraculously finding everything I needed many days like that. Submitting a site map is on my list of things to do, and this is the second time today I have come across something I needed without having to look for it!
SuzetteH Premium
I have followed all the instructions that you gave me. AIO is deactivated, Google xml is deactivated. When I went to sitemaps it is showing that I have a sitemap /sitemap.xml which I know is the Google xml sitemap.

Do I go ahead and delete this sitemap before submitting the Yoast sitemap?
MarionBlack Premium
I don't know :(

Type your into your browser and see what comes up.
SuzetteH Premium
I have included a screen shot of the results. I also read on the Yoast website, after posting this question, it instructs you to remove outdated or invalid sitemaps like sitemap.xml
MarionBlack Premium
YAY! Now you're teaching me :)

Delete the All In One SEO plugin and see if the sitemap.xml file disappears. If the plugin cleans up after itself then the file will be gone. Otherwise you may have to ask Site Support to remove it for you or do it yourself using FTP.
SuzetteH Premium
LOL, I think I will rely on Site Support. I don't really think I am ready to mess with the FTP (I don't even know what that is :) )
PhilipC1 Premium
I can't submit a sitemap because I am still stuck in verifying ownership of my website. I can't upload a html to my homepage or work out how to do any of the other options to verify options.

I can't believe how hard this is and I have been at it since joining WA!

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you.
MarionBlack Premium
The easiest way to verify your website with Google is via your SEO plugin Any time you get stuck Philip, just ask a question and someone will be here to help you.