How to Get Ideas for Your Blog Post?

Curate Content

Looking for ideas to write a new blog post can be a bit challenging, one method is using curated content that you have gathered on the web.

Basically a list of inspiring quotes that you can included a short article based on that quote. As long your article provides value to your readers. Don't copy other people article.

Be mindful of the risk from Google they don't like anyone duplicating what others already publish elsewhere.

Another way is to require the work of guest bloggers, although I wouldn't recommend having guest bloggers on your site.

Guest bloggers are people who publish content on your site in exchange for free links back to their site.

In many cases, it's a win-win situation, if you don't like writing articles.

Google Alerts

Another great way to get ideas for your blog is by using Google Alerts.

Did you know you can create an alert for a particular product, niche? This can give you ideas to write about on your own blog.

It's also a great way to spy on your competition, build your backlinks and get you more visitors.

Creating Roundup Question

This is probably one of my favorite ways to get ideas for your blog post.

Creating roundup question is simply asking questions of other influence bloggers to comment on.

By reaching out to them you can add value to your visitors by getting insight from other bloggers.

(Example: What are the best resources to get traffic?)

When other bloggers reply with a comment, this can give you some ideas and insights on your next blog post.

So get out there an asked questions, you'll be surprised of how many blog topic ideas you can write about.

Read Lots of Books

Reading book helps you stay focused on ideas for your blog. It also keeps your mind focus on the dreams. Reading lots of books motivate reaching your goals. Learning strategies on how successful people are creating a wealthy lifestyle is a great ways to come up with new ideas for your blog.

It’s easy to write a blog article on topics by gathering information your learn from reading books.

The information is a great way to get ideas and add value to your readers. Reading inspires us to blog more and come up with great content.

Keep a Journal

It may sound a little funny, but you’ll be surprised of how many articles, I have written just by thing writing down thing in my journal.

Take notes of things you come across on the web. Anytime you're searching on the internet take note of relevant topic in your niche. This helps you think of new ways to better your website.

Mimic What Works For Others Bloggers

Don't steal other bloggers work, but study what's working for them.

Learn what type of articles is getting the most shares.

Then come up with ways to better your blog post to draw more visitors. One of my favorite tools, I like to use is BuzzSumo

Now that you have seen what article are drawing the most victors, you can now implement your own unique spin in your article to attract more visitors.

Writing about any old topic isn't going to make your blog post successful. Knowing the kind of articles people are searching for is what going to bring more readers to your blog.

You can make a living from blogging, learning new things from other bloggers in your niche.

Finding new strategies and ideas to have a successful blog is the secret.

Now that you know the some secret. Good Luck.

This concluded this training session,

I hope you have gathered some valuable information on how to build a successful website.

Best Journey and Best Wishes.

Thanks for learning with me

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Have You Set Up Google Alerts?
2. Write down your content ideas

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Goson Premium
Yes, Anthony, I've tried Jaaxy for trial version, still have 20 left to search. Thanks for the lessons. I am enjoy learning your training.
TimBritt Premium
Did you decide to write your blogs in Thai or English. I would think if you target market is Thai community that would be best but I am just beginning myself.
Goson Premium
I am thinking about my niche, but not done yet.
My native tongue is Thai, should I write blog in Thai, instead of English?
Lindadz89 Premium
I used all of my Jaxxy keyword searches. Completely ran out of options. So I now use The WA keyword search platform for all of my searches.
Lindadz89 Premium
Thanks Anthony, a lot of people members and non-members alike can grasp the core concepts of earning an income from blogging with structure and persistence.
nevrob Premium
Hello Anthony ! I love this article . I am new to this platform and i got up this morning saying that i need to go on the live chat and get my head clear as to what is a blog and how will it help me to be successful in this business.Now i know and i am going to work at it.Thanks for the lesson and blessings to you .
AnthonyMLM Premium
Thanks My Friend for taking a peek..