Author tommydillard
Rank 942

Training video on meta descriptions hopefully to help you get better rankings in Google and Bing search engines.

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M W Mihalicz Premium
Good stuff Tommy! Very helpful in helping me understand this. I was ready to publish a post but reworked it to your guidelines before doing so. I will be revisiting my previous posts now. Thanks!!
tommydillard Premium
Glad to be of service
AnnieB Premium
Hi Tommy I really appreciated this vid! Very easy to follow and so helpful. As you know |'ve been here for months - still learning and still moving forward. I'm now going to go back and review my posts as I know I haven't done them as you have here.

I'm also heading off to read your review on Tube Cash Code. That "guy" Cory is too smooth for my liking and he's popping up a lot on the internet lately.

Thanks heaps!
tommydillard Premium
I enjoy doing these videos for everyone
partner Premium
Thanks Tommy,question: By using "pages" instead of "posts", what disadvantage does it have if any? And can you change content from pages to post on the website by ?Asking because I've used pages rather than posts. Thanks again and I appreciate your video and the information you come out with ;-)
tommydillard Premium
You cannot switch pages to post just for now on use post for all of your content writing. Because you can ad meta tags to post not pages. I do not know of any disadvantages to it other then tags.
partner Premium
Thanks Tommy, appreciate your reply.
KD6PAO Premium
Awesome Tommy! I followed your video to set up Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Google+ and Bing Webmaster. Went great!

If I understand what you said here, the important keywords are found in the posts (blogs) on the home page. Correct? OK, so I have Pages with a parent menu (Build YOUR Business) with 5 submenus in a pulldown window. Should I instead make each of those submenus into Posts on home page to take advantage of keywords in the titles and first sentence of each? Hope this question makes sense. Thanks...
tommydillard Premium
All of your blogs on your website should be post that way you can add your own meta description for each one. pages should only be home page, privacy policy, disclaimers, and about me page all the rest should be created in the post format. When you learn how to do menus put a menu on your sidebar for all of your post.
KD6PAO Premium
Thanks Tommy! I think a light bulb just turned on in my head. Let me sort this out in my head and I will throw my idea back at you one more time. Wow, I got some rework to do. I thank you for putting me on the right path for rankings. Think I got it now…..
Emontanez Premium
Hey thanks Tommy!! This was helpful
tommydillard Premium
Always glad to help