Author rbaxter80
Rank 19806

This is my ultimate guide on guest posting on other websites. I recommend you try this training first to understand a bit more on networking in a wider environment:

and it may be an idea to have a look at this after the tutorial:

Hope it helps my friends :)

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Igor13 Premium
Hi Raymond!

Wealthy Affiliate is really awesome! So many valuable lessons, training units, advice and people like to share their knowledge and help. This is the real power of such a community.

I am saying this because your training is also part of it. Thanks for sharing your experience and skills.

You showed me (and us) your simple process of establishing guest posts strategies, which I could break down ina simple 7 steps:

1) Build up your site in your niche
2) Take time to understand your niche
3) Start engaging and contacting on the web
4) Create top quality content you would like to share and use for guest postings
5) Build relationships with potential guest postings blogs owners
6) Start building your backlinks by posting your guest blogs
7) Drive traffic to your site through blog postings, guest postings and backlinks

Very startightforward, easy-to-understand and follow process. The implementation of it should occure on a regular basis and I am sure using by using this startegy the way to online success becomes way easier!

Best regards,

Stay well, market better, convert best!
DCarozo Premium
Awesome. Thank you for taking the time to put this together, all the best. Cheers
rosieM Premium
Wow! All I can think of is wow! Thank you so much for sharing this!
mvcruz Premium
This is great info. Thank you
rbaxter80 Premium
No problem :)