Firstly, lets get an obvious truth out of the way: few people know and few people care nowadays. The word who seems to be universally acceptable, but I'm not here to acquiesce to current trends.

First we need to know about subjects and objects in sentences. In the sentence "I am going to beat him to death", I am the subject, and he, most definitely, is the object.

In this case the subject is "who" and the object is "whom". You could correctly ask, "Who beat whom to death".

Who is always the object of a sentence, while whom is the subject.

A simple trick to remember is to think of whether you would expect the answer to any question to be "he" or "him", and the final letter of "him" gives the clue: "Who loves ya baby?"; the answer is " He" loves ya, which doesn't end in "m" and therefore Kojak was right to ask the question as he did.

Conversely, "Paul Dean is a man whom I admire greatly" prompts the question "Whom do I admire?" and the answer is "Him", which ends in "m" and therefore points you towards "Whom" which is correct.

Dead simple really.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Have another lie down.
2. Think how brainy your friends will think you are when you correct them at dinner.

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christine2 Premium
I will leave now, because I am constantly picking up grammar and spelling mistakes in others, as well as on the news, in newspapers, in books, on the radio...
Not that mine is perfect, but I must have had VERY GOOD TEACHERS as I was painfully and deliberately acquiring English as my second language...I would never have had the guts to put anything up as training but I find it hilarious and can only commend you, Paul.I feel like I have found a soul mate griping about the same thing. I hope you have given a tutorial on my pet hate: the misuse of the words to lay and to lie. My patients always tell me they were laying down...their life, perhaps? And working in Ashton-under - Lyne near Manchester one of my patients proceeded to tell me: "I were just eating me tea, when..."
Coming from South Africa I never thought that i would need an interpreter for English, but there I did!
Paul Dean Premium
In Manchester (as elsewhere in England) people will happily admit to being "sat in front of the telly". I never occurs to them that by the same grammatical rules they should "get up and go for a walked". People seem particularly poor at tenses.

When ever I hear the word "sat" on telly I shout the word "sitting!" My wife just sighs.

I'll try to do "me" and "I" tomorrow, along with the correction to "me and him went out".
mrbill74 Premium
I'm forever correcting my girlfriend's comments, and it's reached the point where I simply brace myself after doing so--I KNOW she's going to smack me! These comments here remind me of a grammar course I enjoyed while still at AT&T. By the end of class, we came to three resolute conclusions:

1) It's not 'Lay Lady Lay', it's 'Lie Lady Lie';
2) It's not 'Lay Down, Sally', it's 'Lie Down, Sally'; and
3) It's not 'I Feel Good!', but 'I Feel Well'.

I may not have used the proper punctuation above, but this discussion is about grammar, right? :-)
speedking Premium
Hi Christine, good to hear from a fellow South African and great to meat up with you at WA ! I'm very new to all of this, but having a lot of fun doing it .Paul reminds me of one of my English teachers way back when in 'lekka" ol' SA.........keep up the good work Paul , there's always something new to learn.
RandyKR Premium
You should try to don' t lett it buggya so much.
Teacup108 Premium Plus
Another one that bothers me is the misuse of the words I and me. Please clarify for those who obviously don't know any better.
mamalama Premium
As a home-school mom, I deal with grammar issues pretty regularly but I didn't have the guts to create grammar lessons for the WA community. This is a great service to many. Thanks a lot!
jespinola Premium
Interesting.. I will check my grammar :)
techhound Premium Plus
Hey Paul, great lesson. How about "Yore" being added to the last section? LOL.

Best Regards,
Paul Dean Premium
I'll do "yore" when I do "y'all". (No I won't).
techhound Premium Plus
LOL. Nice!