Within Google Chrome, you can hold down the CTRL key and then click the "F" key. This is the "Find" option. Firefox and Microsoft Internet explorer have a similar function.

With this cool little "hot-key" trick you can find anything you wish on the webpage you're viewing and how often the term occurs (in the text / content).

So, I put in "2015" like this:

So, as you can see, there are 28 instances of the year "2015" on the page - as of this writing.

If you click the little wee down arrow associate with that Find function (upper right-hand corner) your screen will automatically scroll down to the first occurrence. Then, you can click it again and again and it will advance to the next and the next. It will also highlight the keyword you did the Find function on.

So, I scrolled down a bit further to find several together (you can sort this, sorry!) and found the following:

Now, you can easily take a "screen shot" of this right here and have a nice image of approved WA Success Stories!

Or, you could split the image into pieces (one success story at a time) and insert between paragraphs on your review page such as this:

Pretty cool, huh?

Okay, but let's say you want an entire screen shot of the results above....a "snapshot" of the entire webpage instead of several images. Taking a snapshot of what you see versus taking a snapshot of an entire webpage is done differently.

So, let's discuss taking a snapshot of an entire webpage. Yep, it's a single image of a webpage so that you don't have to scroll down taking several and then trying to piece them together.

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AlanMacLeod Premium
Well PJ I was going to say that this article/training was fantabulous and is a great reference but I decided words don't quite describe it properly so instead I am giving you the universal 'GOLD STAR'. Well done!
PjGermain Premium
LOL! Thanks so much Alan!! That made my day!
krazykat Premium
Pretty Cool Peej!!
PjGermain Premium
Thanks again, Krazy!
Darwyn Premium
Brilliant Peej, this is very useful as I am a Chrome user myself. Great training thanks.
PjGermain Premium
Thanks a bunch (again) Darwyn! :-)
Darwyn Premium
Update: There is now a little 'S' icon in the corner of my screen with a great little tool hiding behind it. Thanks for the heads up PJ.
PjGermain Premium
Awesome D.!!!!!
dickw Premium
Thanks Professor. Good stuff!
PjGermain Premium
Thanks again Dick!
dickw Premium
What we have here is an ability to communicate. He-he.
DarleneB Premium Plus
Awesome tutorial. Thank You.
PjGermain Premium
Thank you Darlene!