By now, you should have completed your very first article, and submitted it to an article directory of your choice. Personally, I submit most of my articles to After doing my first "run" of article submissions, I found that EZA gave me the most traffic during that period, so now I submit to EZA exclusively. They're very strict on duplicate content, and at the start I fell foul quite often because I used to write two or three articles in a row without a break, and unwittingly wrote and submitted very similar content in my articles. Now, I normally take a break of 5-10 minutes between my articles to catch a bit of TV, have a chat with my girlfriend or friends, or just surf around on Facebook. Your mind needs that time to rest and get refreshed, and you'll produce way better articles as a result.

The most important thing in Article Marketing is to stick to a goal and be consistent in putting out articles each and every day. How I like to think of it is that the articles I write today are guaranteeing that I have traffic, optins, and sales next week. At the start, you might wonder if you're ever going to get any decent traffic from Article Marketing, and I know that because I used to lie awake at night wondering if I would ever make any money going down the Article Marketing route. Well, the traffic trickled in at first, but because I was producing 20 articles a week, my traffic went from 10 to 20 to 30 to 40 and now I'm up to 50 visitors a day to my website.

Landing Pages & Email Marketing

I use article marketing in conjunction with Email Marketing, because to me that's the only way to maximize my traffic and build a profitable business for the long term. To that end, my funnel looks like this: EZA -> Optin Page -> Review Page -> Sales Page. The Optin page to me is crucial because it allows me to build a relationship with my visitors and market to them long term. I make much better use of my traffic this way, and most my sales have been from this "relationship marketing". That's because of the nature of my niche, the price points are high and people have a healthy sense of skepticism. However, you can always set up this type of funnel first: EZA -> Review Page -> Sales Page. Then add the Optin Page later when you're more comfortable. With regards to landing pages, I like to send them to Comparison style landing pages at the start, and then use Testimonial style landing pages to sell to my list.

Thanks for taking the time to read my 100 Articles In A Month Guide, and I hope that it's helped you to gain clarity and kickstart your Article Marketing efforts. Article Marketing is a fantastic way of building up your site at the start, and once you get your schedule going you're going to pull in hundreds and even thousands of visitors to your site if you stay consistent.

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Moll Premium
Great that you got this over here!

This is a great resource.

K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) is what it reminds me of.

I really like your "outline" approach.

Chris001 Premium
Yes excellent guide, this is definitely a weak area for me. Thanks for keeping it short and very clear.
Kris G Premium
Yes excellent guide, this is definitely a weak area for me. Thanks for keeping it short and very clear.
steve866 Premium
Wow, you write so well!
Simple but relevant advice. The only thing I do differently is that I don't use EZA any more (since the last Google crackdown on problem directories). I find that gets way more traffic than EZA now. I also use another extremely high quality site:
gianno96 Premium
Wow, you write so well!
Simple but relevant advice. The only thing I do differently is that I don't use EZA any more (since the last Google crackdown on problem directories). I find that gets way more traffic than EZA now. I also use another extremely high quality site: