Planning is a crucial part of success.
Once you have your desire clearly outlined you need to think about how you are going to achieve it.
There are a few practical things that will help you towards any goal. That is learn how to manage money. If you don't know how to manage money creating your dream is going to be very tough if not impossible.
People who win the lottery who have never managed money end up broke and being in more debt than they were before winning the lottery.
Smart people save/invest and then spend. They pay themselves first.
No matter how little your income is, you should start saving towards your goal. You may think that putting only $2 away each week is not worth it. Let me tell you it is.
You know why? Because it sets up a habit, it's not the amount it's the habit you start which will pay off big time in the future.
With business every dollar you make should go back into your business so you can grow it.
So decide each day to build your business. Today may be learning about setting up a website. Tomorrow may be about implementing what you learned yesterday. The next day is how to create content, etc.
You see where this is leading? Each step gets you closer to your goal.
Be patient but don't stop.
Start a diary of the things you are going to do this week. Don't wait for Monday, do it now.
Work through Kyle's training and understand what you are working towards.
Starting the journey...
Here is my story of savings paying off and following my dream to get into real estate.
I work for state government in Alaska. We have much higher gross than net salary because so much goes into retirement. I always hoped all the money in retirement would pay off someday. That someday is here hopefully.
If all goes according to plan, my husband and I can use our retirement accounts here to buy a 4-plex. Our offer has already been accepted. When buying a multi-unit property you can (for some loans) use the income from rents to qualify for the mortgage loan. You may need to have 6 months worth of mortgage payments available on your own however in case of vacancies. In our case that is over $20,000! Our retirement accounts meet that need on paper. We will not touch them but they are there and will let the lender know we are "good' for the payments no matter what. The units are already rented so there is no danger of having them all vacant but this assures the lender we will not fail.
So, our retirement accounts are paying off big time right now even without touching them! My husband would get so frustrated feeling like we were broke and worrying that the stock market would crash or something would happen and that money would not do us any good. I kept telling him it would and that we would be successful one day.
Also, the home loan qualification is based on gross not net income and if you live in the building yourself you get lower interest rates, and better financing. We also resisted temptation to get new cars and have been fixing up our old ones. So, no car loans either. All these little things added up to our ability to qualify to buy a property worth over $600,000. Of course this is mostly due to the fact my husband served in the U.S. Marine Corps and has the full value of the VA loan available to use. Alaska is a high cost area so the loan limit is very high. With no money down, seller paying closing costs etc. we are on our way to making this happen.