Author Dreamer56
Rank 2236

You have worked and worked to get visitors to your site. I am sure you would like them to stay for a long period of time. This WordPress menu tip will help you do that.

Your visitor arrives at your website and finds the article he/she is most interested in. They open it up read it and most times will close their browser tab and be gone.

What would happen if when they clicked on your post/page it opened up in a new tab on their browser? Guess what? When they get done reading your information and close that tab your front page is still open!

Awesome Right!

It gives you another shot at grabbing their attention with the other great material you have on your site. If nothing else it cuts down on the on the bounce rate.

We will learn how to do this and some other helpful tips in this video.

Thanks for watching and please hit the like button and tell me what you thought of the information. Also feel free to add any other areas you might need help with.

You Got This! Go Get'em!

Until next time,

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JohnA78 Premium
Very helpful, thanks! How did you get the text in the tab to scroll like that?
Dreamer56 Premium
Hey John you can find that here. Thanks for stopping by.
JohnA78 Premium
Thanks Tim!
MKearns Premium
Thank you Tim. It lengthens your chance of "getting em".
Dreamer56 Premium
No doubt Michael. We need all the help we can get
BVisan Premium
Hi Tim

Nice piece of training, I'll put it to work right away.
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

Dreamer56 Premium
Thanks Bogdan! I will. Thanks for your time.
Catwoman1459 Premium
Thanks for sharing this. I never knew we had that option. I just set all my post to open in a new window, woohoo!
Dreamer56 Premium
Go get'em Cathy! Thanks for stopping by
AussieJeff Premium
This is brilliant thinking, Tim. Will implement on my site straight away!
Dreamer56 Premium
Awesome Jeff! Thanks for your time