I picked Mrs. Gerard for this example.

1. Click on "Continue"

2. Next, you are prompted to fill in how you know this contact. Just select what best applies.

3. You may (but don't have to) customize the message. It's up to you. I think it also depends on the type of relationship with the person or how well you know them. Leaving it as it is is ok too, the message is short and simple, and it is better to keep it short since this message will appear in your contact's Linkedin's inbox.

4. Click on "Send"

And that's it :-) You're done.

If you'd like to know what the message your contact will receive looks like, continue to the next page of this tutorial please.

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muslimah Premium
I'm aware of the feature but didn't know how it operates.
Thank you for the info and the step-by-step process.
ChristineDu1 Premium
You're welcome, Muslimah!
NnurseBecca Premium
5x5 super summary! I love the testimony of good recommendations and stellar reviews. Clients who give them return for your good business. LinkedIn has a great feature, and found my chemistry professor on there! How cool to see your training!
ChristineDu1 Premium
Thank you! :-) :-)
NnurseBecca Premium
you're quite welcome of course
NnurseBecca Premium
you know you can also get a linkedin generated resume for free? Mine is accurate-it's based on the chronology of input from your work and educational experiences
ChristineDu1 Premium
Interesting, I didn't know that. Does it come with the Premium Linkedin membership or does the free membership also include this?
NnurseBecca Premium
I got it for free, but that could change. I remember years ago, you could download all the email addresses within your network at once. Now, you have to have the premium to do so. I think it is still well worth the investment to keep track of your network groups, and can be segmented for email marketing.
ChristineDu1 Premium
I'll check out the other features of Linkedin, and the generated resume. Thanks for telling me :-)
Zoopie Premium
Great 2nd piece of training. I am quite active on Linked in but this one escaped me. So thanks for bringing it to my attention Christine.

ChristineDu1 Premium
Thank you, Stephen!
Yes, I also found out just a little while ago. This is a great tool we can use :-)