1.Take ACTION! Be deliberate, calculated, and decisive.

You will notice that Wealthy Affiliate training is laid out in a deliberate, calculated and decisive way. This is by design on purpose step by step.

2. Recognize Opportunity (The Power Of N.O.W. – No opportunity Wasted)

You are here so you must know how to recoganize opportunity when you see it. Not only that but once you start the training and start learning affiliate marketing an amazing thing happens you start BECOMING an affiliate marketer and finding opportunity in places you never thought existed!

3.Give Yourself Permission To Fail (Fail forward and get closer to your goals and what you are trying to achieve.)

This is where I see a lot of folks here at Wealthy Affiliate falter and go away. You need to understand that YES YOU WILL FAIL .. Not to be mean or blunt but it is the nature of the business. Not one successful person either here at Wealthy Affiliate or elsewhere has not failed at least once. Most have failed thousands of times! The key difference is they gave themselves to PERMISSION to fail.

Think about it if you did fail have you really? No because in the process of trying and failing you learn. :)

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NicolaR Premium

Well appreciated.

Cav1966 Premium
You are welcome hope you found some of it useful
Mick18 Premium
Lot of great advice here. Thanks for sharing with us.
Have a great week,
Cav1966 Premium
You are most welcome Mickey Have a great week yourself
Ahimbe Premium
This is a good training. It is a good guide to success
Cav1966 Premium
Thank you for reading and for responding
starfalex123 Premium
Great stuff Congratulation to you.May your journey be successful. Fitzgerald
Cav1966 Premium
Hey thanks for stopping by. I hope 2019 as been kind to you.
JimintheWeb Premium
Hey Cav:
Takes guts to post stuff.
Keep @ it, I believe some things are gonna click fer ya. Successes building upon successes creating greater successes.
To trust the process / to trust the training programs here within WA, I agree. Such is the key & why we be here. So many highly trained & experts here @ WA. Just look @ who put this monumental empire together.
Looks like you're up north of me & just under the WA corp.
Best to ya.
Cav1966 Premium
Aww yes they are starting to click. Been here over a year now and loving every minute of it. Yes takes guts to post stuff anyone can. However takes more guts to work towards your dream every day