We're Building Quite A List Now, But There's More.

Are you good at photograhy.?

I'm a terrible photographer, most of my photo's turn out blurry or with red eyes. Then someone invented the phone camera.

They got better and better.

My latest Phone has a 20mp camera with it. I got it because I wanted to start adding photographs of flowers and plants to my instargram account. It doesn't seem to matter how much I shake, how windy the day is or simply how bad I am at taking pictures. They all turn out fantastic.

It's the camera, not me.

If I can do it , you can do it.

I was even asked by one person if I was a professional photographer. Yeh... Right...

5). Sell Photo's and Images Online.

If you have even the slightest bit of talent in regard to taking photo's, then why not make some money from doing it.

With todays fantastic camera's you could take thousands in a week.

Who Buys Them?

Bloggers, like you and me. Usually professional bloggers who are sick of worrying whether or not they are going to get sued for downloading so called free photo's.

Where Can I go To Sell Them?

You Can join companies such as:

1). Alamy

2). Adobie Stock.

3). Shutter Stock.

4). Etsy.

5). Crestock.

6). Pixabay.

Once again, I don't know how much you get paid per photo, but I would image it's a supply and demand thing as well. If you have produced great images, then they will sell.

Make a list of all the different niches you can see online and start catering for them.

Take beach shots, city shots, forest shots, river shots, shots of people, shops, cars. trains, bikes, even money... the list goes on, but I think you get the idea.

So That's It For Now My Friends.

If you can think of anything that can be added to the list that invloves making money online, then please let me know in the comments.

Don't forget to click on the Like button and leave me a comment

All the best. Jim

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AConnelley Premium
Thanks Jim for all of this information I really appreciate having a comprehensive list for the ideas you suggest. I have dabbled in some of these things previously but haven't got very far. So may have another go thanks to your help,
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Alexandra
Mick18 Premium
Fantastic list Jim. Thanks a lot.
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Mick
JustAPerson Premium
This is fantastic! Awesome work Jim!
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Gar
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you Jim very helpful much appreciated

May use some myself. lol

Here's to making it happen

JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Jennifer.
Jadatherapy Premium
You are welcome Jim

Have a great week

Thank you for useful leads Jim.
JKulk1 Premium
My pleasure Maxine