Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic business to be in.

There's nothing better then running your very own online business from the comfort of your own home.

Many people are lured into this business with the promises of an easily obtained, high income for life.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

To become a successfull affiliate marketer one must either be or become a competent content writer.

You need to be able to understand WordPress themes, plugins, email marketing, Niche development and a host of other things.

None of these are easy systems to learn for someone who has never worked online before.

But they are possible.

At Wealthy Affiliate members are provided with the training tools that can turn them into experts.

Some people pick up this information quickly, others are slower and can take a few years to develop their website.

The turnover in this industry is huge.

Some people leave because they simply find out that the industry is not for them.

Others leave because they can't afford the monthly hosting cost while they're trying to build an online income.

It's these second lot of people, those that would like to stay with affiliate marketing but can't afford to, that I would like to help.

Hence, I put together this training module.

It's all about finding other forms of online income that, at the very least, can provide enough income to help them pay for their monthly fees.

You never know, it could also pay for a Jaaxy or SEO upgrade, or for professional plugins and Advertising.

Lets take a look at some of the options.

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AConnelley Premium
Thanks Jim for all of this information I really appreciate having a comprehensive list for the ideas you suggest. I have dabbled in some of these things previously but haven't got very far. So may have another go thanks to your help,
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Alexandra
Mick18 Premium
Fantastic list Jim. Thanks a lot.
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Mick
JustAPerson Premium
This is fantastic! Awesome work Jim!
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Gar
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you Jim very helpful much appreciated

May use some myself. lol

Here's to making it happen

JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Jennifer.
Jadatherapy Premium
You are welcome Jim

Have a great week

Thank you for useful leads Jim.
JKulk1 Premium
My pleasure Maxine