1.Open WA in the web browser you usually use for example Google Chrome.
2.Sign in and open up the tab you want to work on. For this example I have opened my website dashboard tab and then a post page.
3.Open WA in a second web browser for example Yahoo.
4.Sign in and open up the tab you want to view to get information from. For this example I have opened Jaaxy.
5.For both pages use your restore down button on the top right of your screen (second from right).
6.Then drag one so it fits half your screen from side to side.
7.And drag the second one so it fits the other half of your screen. Put these in whatever order you like to work with.
8.As I also like to monitor keywords and where my posts (and pages) are on Google and other various search engines I also open my Word file that contains this information.
9.Minimise this Word document (third button from the right at the top of the screen). When you want to add a keyword to this just click on the bottom icon to maximise Word. When you finish just click on it again and it will minimise back down to the icon.
10.You can also open and minimise other screens and they too show on the task bar. Hover your cursor over these minimised ones to see what’s there. This shows if you have two pages or files open in that program. Click on the page you want and that opens.
11.(You can minimise one of the search engines if you want like but this is two extra steps ie minimise search engine page, maximise Word, minimise Word and then maximise the search engine page.)