Before I get into editing, replying, approving or disapproving comments you have received, take a look at the above image. When you click on the “My Comment Requests” tab, it will show you all of the comments you have requested and how many you received.

Content that has already received at least one comment will have a green checkmark on the left. Content without a comment will two yellow circles. Notice the request at the bottom was for 1 comment but I actually got 7. This was because of the comment boost, see next page.


When clicking on the “Comments Pending Approval” tab you will see all of the pending comments you have received, see below image. You can read the comment you received and use any of the buttons below it to either Edit, Disapprove, Approve, or Approve and Reply.

When choosing to Approve and Reply a blank area under the comment will appear for you to write your reply, see below image. You can write your reply here and have the option to both bold and italicize your text and even create relevant links. Click Approve and Publish when done.

NEXT UP = How Comment Boost can get you more comments than requested

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tudogz Premium
Just one glitch with Site Comments; if I request comments spread over time I often still get them all at once. Then I have to edit the dates myself to make them look more random.
boomergp08 Premium
Yes. That is the one glitch I have seen too, which is why I do not ask for more than 2 comments at a time. I have reached out to Carson about this. Hopefully it gets fixed.
tudogz Premium
Still, it's not really a big deal, hey?
boomergp08 Premium
No it's not but it still would be good if it worked as designed. I just contacted Kyle on Facebook and he told me to send him the bug report on Site Comment and he would get it sorted out. So I just told him what the problem was. Hopefully it gets fixed.
Mick18 Premium
Excellent tutorial. Very much needed. Thanks a lot.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome. I am happy you liked my tutorial about how to use Site Comments version 2.0
Scwebu Premium
I find comments very helpful in getting your articles indexed.
boomergp08 Premium
Yes, that is one of the many benefits to getting comments. Plus Google also indexes the content of your comments and you can get ranked for any keywords that will sometimes appear in comments.
Triblu Premium
Excellent tutorial Rob, have "Like"d and tagged for referring to and sharing in the future!
boomergp08 Premium
Thank you Trish. I hope it will help all those who have been turned off by the first version of Site Comments which I personally didn't use. This 2.0 version is much better.
HenryPing Premium
What is site comment really have no idea on what is about and how to get credits. Thank you for sharing this.Boomer.👍😁💪👏💯
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome. Site Comment is Wealthy Affiliates awesome platform for getting quality comments on your website, but you also need to pay it forward and offer comments first. Good quality comments will always help boost the rankings of the website receiving said comments.