Author LynneHuy
Rank 1691

Here is just a quick tutorial on how to use internet browsing tabs using Google Chrome.

I usually have about 10 internet browser tabs open at a time at all times so I can move between my websites, social media, Wealthy Affiliate and more. I don't know how anyone can work with just one tab open.

This training was specially requested by Luther so knock yourself out buddy!

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wb5yjs Premium
The Google-Chrome-Extension "OneTab" should be explained.
It saves all the opened tabs for use later & prevents the slowing-down of your computer.
LynneHuy Premium
I am not even aware of that OneTab Wally!
wb5yjs Premium
Check it out - do a google search... "OneTab"
If you have lots of tabs open, it puts them all into one tab, in a 'Stand-by' mode... so they are not running, but you can activate them back into you browser, when you need them.
LynneHuy Premium
Oh that sounds quite cool, thanks for the tip Wally! I love it when I help someone else with a request and I learn more. This place rocks!
wb5yjs Premium
One example of using the 'clipboard-history':
While reading an article or website, highlight & save important sentences or paragraphs. Now you have all of them, in order, on you clipboard. You can go back to each one & activate them, in order & print them out as a document... [ do you use Evernote? ]. You can then erase them from the clipboard, if you'll not need need them in the future.

Another example:
Things you frequently use or have to look-up, like URLs, people's email addresses, user names & passwords, etc. Just have them setting in your clipboard-history & double-click on one... the next time you hit "Command-V" it will be printed.

This is an App... I think it cost $5.00... I use it several times every day.
Do a google search &/or explore it [ CopyClip 2 ] on YouTube.

Don't forget to tell me if you use [ Evernote ].
Loes Premium
There are quite some things missing in this training Lynn
I miss everything from the right click on the tab
Duplicate (I use that one very frequent)
pin tab
mute tab
close tab
close tab to the right
reopen closed tab (ctrl + shift+T) so handy!
Bookmark all tabs
LynneHuy Premium
Thanks Loes... honestly I have never gone into tabs that deeply and I just made this quickly for Luther! I never thought to go deeper...
drcmaint Premium
Thanks for this.
SadieChan Premium
Thanks Lynne, Just note that opening too many tabs might slow down the internet browser.
Tw1 Premium
You are right about that! This is a function of available RAM in the computer that you are using!

Something else to consider, is that some websites "autoupdate" the whole time you have that page in a tab. This could also slow your machine down, and, or, work the processor harder than needed.

I know that sometimes when I have a lot of tabs open my fans in my machine start really cranking! This uses more energy and produces more heat.

LynneHuy Premium
Yes very true! I only ever have one tab that is "doing" something like uploading or downloading :) Otherwise it gets quite slow!
Tw1 Premium
Nice Training Lynne!

I'm sure there are a lot of newbies out there that can use this!
LynneHuy Premium
I hope so. I thought it would only be my mom out there that would be struggling with something like this... but Luther said he is struggling so I made him a video. If it helps lots of people it will make me happy!
SuzQ Premium
Lynne, Thanks for a great simple and informative training. Loved this! We can take for granted something we ourselves do routinely. Training doesn't need to be complicated to be incredibly helpful to others!
Multi-tab and browser use was essential in my career using two screens. I agree on a laptop one needs to not go over the top using them...Yet, they're a huge plus for better work flow.