Getting Started with Elementor

Elementor is a great plugin for building good-looking WordPress posts and pages without having to fiddle with codes, making the process of creating blog posts so much fun, even for the WordPress newbie.-

I would, however, like to sound a bit of warning on how you use Elementor and other page builders.

Those great-looking designs completely disappear when you deactivate a page builder, leaving you with scattered-looking WordPress pages and posts on your WordPress site.

Although Elementor doesn't turn out as bad as other page builders, you still need to be aware of this. Some page builders actually leave you with shortcodes on your pages when you deactivate them.

I suggest that you limit the blog posts that you create with Elementor, that's if your blog contains a lot of posts. Also, build a list of all pages and posts that you create with Elementor.

That way, you will be able to track them all and edit them when the need arises.

And finally, keep a copy of all pages and posts created with Elementor, so if anything arises after you have deactivated the plugin, it would be easy to update all the pages and posts.

That said; let's get into the business of today which is creating a blog post with Elementor.

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Ahimbe Premium
I use a wordpress theme that had Elementor pre installed but had not bothered to know how to use the plugin.
After this training, I want to try out things..
saruth Premium Plus
You welcome. I will do just that, Israel. Thank you very much.
saruth Premium Plus
Thank you very much for the tutorial. it is nice to know about this tools.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reading my Elementor tutorial, Saruth! Much appreciated! Whenever you need to start using it, don't hesitate to make reference to this training.

Israel Olatunji
Paul2012 Premium
Thanks for another important lesson, Israel! I've bookmarked this for future reference. Thanks again!

Israel17 Premium
That's good to know, Paul! I bet you'll need this lesson when it comes to using Elementor for blogging. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
Paul2012 Premium
I believe and trust your words, Israel! Thanks again!

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the trust, Paul! Kudos for following me!

Israel Olatunji
Dorrie1 Premium Plus
Thank You for the great lesson
Israel17 Premium
Hey Dorrie, I appreciate your presence, likes, and comments all this while. Thanks so greatly! You may want to use Elementor for blogging and I hope this tutorial will be handy when it comes to that.

Israel Olatunji