Step 3

Now that you have redirected your domain name to the Wealthy Affiliate servers, you need to add your domain name to the Wealthy Affiliate servers. This is the fun part.

    1. Go to your WA home page and select Websites.

    2. Then select site domains

    3. Scroll down to where it says add domain:
      In the line where it says add domain enter the name of the domain your are adding to the Wealthy Affiliate servers and select add domain.
      Make sure you add the extension at the end of your domain name Such as: .com, .net, .org

    4. Click on add domain
    You will get a message that says hold tight we are adding your domain.

    5. Proceed to the next step

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    CzarCosta Premium
    Muy útil. Te agradezco enorme.
    Lazyblogger Premium
    Very Helpful
    Babou3 Premium
    Thanks for this great training,
    maybe I will try for one of my site.

    PastorDre Premium
    Hi Ingrid,

    You are welcome. Let me know how it works out for you.
    KathyAnne Premium Plus
    Thank you for this training. I'm going to move a site I have hosted with Bluehost and was going to use Fiverr to transfer it. Now I know I don't have to do that. ☺☺
    PastorDre Premium
    Good stuff. Good to know that you saved a few bucks. Let me know if you have any questions.
    klchang Premium
    Clear, simple and easy to understand step by step training.
    PastorDre Premium
    Thank you I really appreciate the Shout Out.