You can verify your GMB in several ways:

  • By postcard
  • By phone
  • By email
  • Instant verification
  • Bulk verification
  • Postcard Verification

Step 1: Assuming you are already logged into Google My Business. Then select the business you want to verify

Step 2: Supply a correct business address, if you like you can add an optional contact name, the address given is where the postcard will be addressed to: select a way to verify

Step 3: Click "Mail" It is expected that the postcard reaches you in five days-never edit your business name, address, and the category

Step 4: After you have gotten the postcard, sign in your Google My Business, then select the location you want to verify, click "verify now."

Step 5: You must now enter the five-digit verification code on your postcard. Click and submit.

In a situation where your postcard did not show up, or you misplaced it, you can make a new request for another code.

Phone verification

Google makes it possible for your business to be verified by phone. If you meet the condition, you will be able to confirm by phone, when you start the verification process you will see check by phone

Step 1:Logged into your Google My Business and select the business you want to verify

Step 2: Enter a correct phone number that is yours then select verify by phone

Step 3: Insert the verification code from that text you received, done.

Email verification

Google uses your email to verify your location if you are eligible; also, you'll see I verify by email" anytime you start your verification process.

Step 1: Sign in your Google My Business, choose the business you need to verify

Step 2: Provide a valid email address then select confirm by email."

Step 3: Check your mail inbox and click on the message from Google My Business, now click on the verification button in that message.

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heljam404A Premium
Very useful info thanks a bunch.
emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment, rock high in online business, thank you.
Paul2012 Premium
I make use of the GMB app, and it's awesome.
Nice training.
emimos12 Premium
Thank you for the comment, rock high in online business
Tmgreen Premium
How does that work if your business has no physical presence? Ie. Affiliate marketing website only.
android6706 Premium
Its really aimed at local businesses, so not that useful for a general affiliate marketing website.
emimos12 Premium
It helps you if you have other Local Businesses, that is the main focus, thank you for your comment.
accad Premium
Thanks for sharing this process.
emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment, thank you for stopping by