PAGE 1 – Three ways to find new items to sell on eBay

PAGE 2 – Using Craigslist safely to find items to sell

PAGE 3 – Locate wholesalers for direct and drop shipping

PAGE 4 – When and why drop shipping is not the most profitable

In Part 1 of my How to Sell and Make Money on eBay training, I explained a lot of what you need to know in order to start selling on eBay the correct way. If you haven’t yet gone through that training, please do so before going through this tutorial. The link is below.


Though selling used items is definitely the way you should begin on eBay, once you become a more established seller with lots of positive feedback, you will want to look into selling new and factory sealed items. There are three ways to find new items and they are…

  • Store closeouts and liquidations (this is the easiest way)
  • Sellers on Craigslist (this can be risky but you can find some gems)
  • Wholesalers (this is the best option but certain requirements apply)


This is by far the easiest way at finding new items for sale that will not cost an arm and a leg in price. Like I said in Part 1 of this training series, it is important to know what sells on eBay and what does not. I showed you how to do that on the eBay home page. By knowing what sells on eBay it will help you in sourcing the right products for sale.

Another way to help you find the right new products to buy and resell is using the Advanced Search for “sold” items on eBay. On any eBay screen in the top right corner you will see the Search button and just to the right of it you will see the word Advanced. See below image.

Clicking on the word Advanced will bring up the Advanced Search screen where you can search for many things other than items for sale on eBay. Searches like seller ID names, specific items by a particular seller, many other things. But one feature that you can do is search for items that have sold within the past 60 days.

Just type an item name in the top field, as shown above, keep the default settings “All words, any order” and “All Categories” so that the search will be as broad as possible. Then below the search button make sure that you click the check box for “Sold listings” and then click on Search. This will now display all sold listings and the prices they sold for, giving you an idea of what you can make.

NEXT UP = Using Craigslist safely for finding new items to sell.

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johnwnewman Premium
Great stuff Robert! Thanks :-)
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome John. Thanks for stopping by.
Dreamer56 Premium
Thanks Robert great stuff.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Tim. Happy you liked it.
MPollock Premium
Very nice work.
boomergp08 Premium
Thank you
Dinh Premium
Thanks Robert!
Looking to forward to the next training!
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Dinh. The next one will be more conversational and story telling, yet providing informtion that is useful.
RKingsley Premium
Hi Boomer,

I have actually started a blog on this very subject and you are, as always, a truly valuable person to listen to.

Many thanks!
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome. I am going to be doing a blog about this myself in the coming weeks on my website and link to these pages for extra content support. :)