What is NameSilo?
NameSilo is a company that Registers Domains, and is thus known as a Registrar. A Domain is another name for a recognized name for your OWN website.
Domains have extensions and these can be .com .org .net .biz .co .cc - in fact there are so many domain extensions today, you can choose almost anything!
However, in order to be ranked high in Google, Bing or Yahoo, it is recommended that you choose first and foremost, a .com domain.
What is DNS?
DNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name System, which maintains the Domain Namespace on the internet that translates domain names and hostnames into numerical IP(Internet Protocol) Addresses.
Simply put, if you type in an http:// address in your browser, the DNS Server looks for that address in the database and doesn't find it, and then sends it to another DNS Server that looks it up and it finds it and translates it into an IP Address format and sends the information back to the initial DNS Server that requested it and the result is you receive a page of information now that that DNS Server knows what the IP Address is.
What Are Name Servers?
Every Domain has a domain Name Server sorting through all the queries sent to it requesting information. So in order for your domain to be workable through WA Hosting platform, it needs to be set up in the domain of WA. For that to happen, you need to have your Domain point to the domain in WA.
Now that we know what Name Servers are, let's Point your Domain to WA Hosting platform.