Author StuartI
Rank 1969

In this video, I will show you how to place an Adsense ad in your page or post. I will also show you how to place Adsense in your sidebar as a widget.

Please keep in mind that if you have just been approved by Adsense your ads will not be visible for a couple of days if not weeks. If you have an adblocker in your web browser this will also prevent your Adsense ads from showing.

Disclaimer: Many have experienced problems with Adsense, I am not endorsing Adsense, I'm just providing this video for instructional purposes only.

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SadieChan Premium
Hi Stuart, How do Adsense pay you? Do they accumulate the amount because it does not make sense if the amount is small. Regards Sadie.
StuartI Premium
Hi Sadie, Yes, they accumulate the amount and I think the pay out is set at $100.00.
MsMerry Premium
thanks for sharing. Is it really a necessary thing to set up and use Adsense?
StuartI Premium
No, but some choose to use it. Many have had problems with Adsense terminating their account without much warning.
MsMerry Premium
Thanks Stuart. That is helpful.
johncruz Premium
It depends on what your marketing plans and niche are. You always want the best way to monetize your site and if adsense isn't the best route then just leave it out.
storm57 Premium
Thanks for the great info.
MyMentor Premium
Thank you for the training video. This is very easy to follow and understand. Good Job - Wayne
wrs Premium
Thanks - helpful