Page Rank is determined by how many links on the internet are pointing to a specific web page. This is not to be confused with how many links are pointing to a website. Even if the index of a website has a high Page Rank, it does not mean that a newly created web page on that website will have any Page Rank. Take for example a Squidoo lens you create, or an Ezine article you write. Even though Squidoo has a high Page Rank for its homepage, you'll find that your newly created lens will have a Page Rank of 0. That's because there will be 0 links pointing directly towards your new lens. A link pointing towards a web page is known as a "backlink", and contributes to that pages Page Rank.

Whenever there is a link on the internet that points toward a specific web page, that pages Page Rank is increased (with the exception of nofollow links). The amount it increases is determined by the Page Rank of the web page that is pointing to it, and a few other things that we won't go into. A link from a site with a Page Rank of 0 will not do much to boost a web pages Page Rank, but it will boost it a tiny bit. A link from a site with a Page Rank of?5 however would instantly raise that web pages Page Rank to a much higher level.

This tutorial will be focusing on obtaining external backlinks from other website in order to increase the Page Rank of a specific web page of yours. Internal links are only really of value if you own a site that has some Page Rank already (you can't simply link 100 pages of your own site to a specific web page on the same site and hope to achieve any results, unless those 100 pages have any Page Rank of their own).

You can find out a pages Page Rank by using the Google Toolbar, downloadable here:

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Hohepa Premium
How you can get back links from ezinearticles if they don't even will publish yor articles if they are duplicated content?
PM me plz,thank you!
spainops Premium
Much appreciated - great information for someone new.
kylegary Premium
Much appreciated - great information for someone new.
Websurfer53 Premium
Thanks Steven for the very interesting and informative tutorial.
ronnchew Premium
Thanks Steven for the very interesting and informative tutorial.