Author Dave07
Rank 699

In this video I show you how I use a free online tool called Pixlr to massively reduce the size of the images on your webpages without losing the overall quality of the image. This helps to ensure your pages load as quickly as possible.

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Jude81 Premium
Thanks for sharing this Dave, I am going to try it out. Do you always reduce the size to around 200 either to use for your post or Feature image?
Cheers Jude
Salynch107 Premium
Great video and very helpful!

The issue I keep running into is that no matter what the size of my image that I insert into wordpress, it is automatically blowing up my photo on the actual webpage, even if my preview page shows the correct size. I cannot seem to find in settings where/why this keeps happening. Any ideas? Thank you!
HarryNio Premium
Very high-quality video and nice steady voice... You should consider starting a YouTube channel if you haven't already.

I am using Photoshop to scale down my images and to compress them without losing any quality whatsoever.

My regards,

Dave07 Premium
Thanks Xaric. I have a YouTube channel but i haven't uploaded many videos yet.
Photoshop is obviously great but Pixlr does the basic stuff I need to do and for free.
Alster Premium
Thanks, Dave. Really interesting video especially for a newbie like myself.
Dave07 Premium
Thanks very much. Glad you found it useful 😀