What Product(s) Will You Sell?

To figure out what product to sell might seem unfeasible or difficult for you to do but be rest assured that it's not that difficult as you thought. You are endowed with something. You have a talent or talents which you might not have personally thought about or discovered in the past. Now it is time to start leveraging those skills and natural endowments to monetize your site right from the onset.

You can always think about just anything you suggested at home, at work or anywhere else that really worked when followed. This can turn into multiple streams of income for you in earnest.

Remember just whatever you said in the past that really amazed people as something which they never knew or thought about before. This could be a special service you can sell right on your blog.

Can you think about just anything which is rarely found at stores and would be seriously needed by the people. It could be a service to be sold on your own site soonest. It's a matter of being composed, thoughtful and creative in thinking. You just need to be a creative thinker to figure something valuable out.

What is that thing in you that you think has not been mentioned, and/or something that is scarce rather in market but which people would really need? For instance, IZEA tells you if your blog is connected to Google Analytics or not, and if not connected, IZEA will alert you over and over again to reconnect your blog to Google Analytics making you see the repercussions for not taking that into a quick consideration. That's a great service used by thousands of bloggers in the world to monitor connections between their blogs and Google Analytics.

Below are some tips that will walk you through the process of selling through your blog:

#1. Figure out your hidden potentials to offer as a service

#2. Turn the potentials into skills you can monetize on your blog

#3. Get the audience you specifically need

#4. Develop a content strategy

#5. Make an attractive offer that pulls the audience in

#6. Write and publish compelling content

#7. Engage your audience effectively.

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ElaineSmith1 Premium
Thanks Israel. Just what I have been looking for!!!.

Tried and True

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reading my tutorial friend! Much grateful! Wish you breakthroughs!
1signbanner Premium
Israel you are something else my friend. Thank you so much for the valuable information. I will keep your stuffs on my favorite list.

I am saving yours, you do have many!

Israel17 Premium
Much grateful friend for reading! Thanks for appreciating my work and resources! Wish you much success!
Trujunco Premium
Here we are again,Israel
As a reference and general guideline for overall understanding to this platform,I feel like I'm visiting a "supermarket of information" in Online Marketing Strategy.

Well done, as the time in course of capitalizing on this, has come.
I enjoy the best opportunity to learn and now to apply...thanks so much for being a part of my journey in strategy and moving forward.

(The best current feature in your writing template is the table of content points preceding the discussion of them. I will adopt this in future blogs...with much credit to you sharing)

... continue to shine brilliant, friend

Respectfully David
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reading friend! Kudos for finding my tutorials helpful to your online business! You will become a rock start once you're willing to implement working strategies. You will get to your financial freedom quickly and overtake hundreds of thousands of struggling veteran bloggers out there. Much grateful!
anusuya1 Premium
Great creative way to monetize your potential.

Thank you for unlocking the power of so many.

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by anusuya! Kudos for leaving a comment!
anusuya1 Premium
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Thank you.
joelspeelm Premium
Great information, I will try to implement this into my strategy.
Israel17 Premium
Yes, you are correct Joel. Implementing those strategies will speed up the ranking of your blog and you will be glad at that be rest assured.