Everywhere you look online people are trying despreately to convince you that there are SECRETS that you need to know in order to achieve success - and it just so happens that THEY have all the SECRETS and are willing to share them all with you for a one time low price!

But you have to act fast because it is a limited time sensitive offer!

Lucky You!

All you have to do is swipe your little plastic card - or put in your Paypal info and just like that you get access to all the secrets you need to make it start raining money!

Except it doesn't work....

The truth is there ARE NO SECRETS to Business Success or Success in Life either.

There is simply information that is readily available from multiple sources in multiple ways and which you do not yet have.

There are indeed things you can learn and that you need to know (recipies, plans - ingridents and parts lists etc.) but haven't yet obtained.

But again these things are not secrets and no one person has the keys to the kingdom either.

Everything you need to know is available from multiple authors, instructors, coaches, mentors, consultants and other people in multiple differet ways. Some of it you may need to pay for - but reasonable fees for honest information, not crazy amounts of money for false promises.

Even then alot of information is available for FREE if you have time but no money. Go to YouTube and watch tutorials, search for things online and read blogs, even go to the library or the book store and read books for free if you need to do so.

As you take action and as you do better and make more money you can invest more back into yourself for more training and coaching as you want and need it. But you don't have to have any money to start taking action.

That's another reason I like WA - it provides a FREE MEMBERSHIP and free access to anyone who wants it - and that is all that's needed to get started!

So get started! Take Action.

So why all the hype and the talk of SECRETS?

Because it sells.

It catches attention and entices people in - and they buy - that's why.

While I do enjoy poking fun at the concept, I really don't have a big problem with it being used as a marketing tactic - in most cases.

Though there are some who are promoting outright scams and fraud and ripping people off - often for multiple hundreds of dollars at a time and in some cases multiple thousands of dollars at a time.

That I do not like, and it is outright wrong for people to do it too.

Yet they do. Dirtbag people who are predators do exist. They always have and they always will.

So whether you get scammed or ripped off comes down to you and your own responsibility for your own actions. Just remember as you look into various things that there is no easy, simple money making SECRET - there are just things that work and things that don't work. Things you know and things you have yet to learn.

All ligitimate business opportunities take work and they take time and they take a certain amount of specialized knowledge - which can be learned over time.

Other than that, the only instant way to make a lot of money that I am aware of is INVESTING - and that is something that requires a ton of money up front, and which can also be lost instantly if the wrong calls are made!

When I say investing I mean in real estate, in stocks and in other businesses directly. Yes huge sums of money are possible - but just remember anything that has the word "Investment" means you can also LOSE money as well as possibly making it too!

And of course you have to have money to make money that way to begin with. Remember that you can lose money - even with real estate - so if you borrow it and lose it that is worse than bad! That means you need to know what you are doing and have money - and still be willing to accept the risks...

So be careful!

Most of us dont have the kind of money to play in that arena - and certainly not when just starting out, so we have to make our own money and do it starting out with little to nothing in the begining. I suspect that is where you are - or where you started - just as it was for me too.

So focus on building your business step by step by step over time. Make progress - not excuses and you will start to do better, achieve better results and if you keep at it long enough - you will find the success you seek!

More Success will bring more and more opportunities and more options. There is no single course, or path in life that is right for all - your course is unique to you.

Thats why I say "Choose Your Own Course, Build a Better Life"

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Papako808 Premium
Thank you for your excellent advice and training on staying on course to reach our goals. Very motivational indeed!! Sheesh I haven't written in a planner in years, but it's a good recommendation to jot down things to do and accomplish.

Without hard work, determination and action we won't get anywhere with our business.

Stay safe & well

Kind Regards

Cecelia ;-)
LDSewell Premium
Thanks Cecelia, and on the planner - you are not alone - many people haven't used a paper planner for years. Others never have.

Yet there is something about planning your day out in a paper planner that better insures you are more likely to retain it and do it, and that is the key.

To actually get more things done in the very limited time we all have!

Have a great day today!

Best regards,

L.D. Sewell
eimba Premium
Thank you for sharing the great motivational post. Building a business does not happen overnight and it takes time and effort to see great results. We must follow all the training in WA and put them into practice so that we can achieve our goals.
Stay safe and healthy.

BorisRoman Premium Plus
Hey L.D.,

thanks for this thorough and informative training.

Wish you much success!

LDSewell Premium
Thanks Boris!
Dorrie1 Premium Plus
Great job
LDSewell Premium
edhozubin Premium
Excellent LD, thank you for the Post.
LDSewell Premium