How To Create The HTML Code
In this part of the lesson, we are going to be creating the HTML code for the newly constructed banner ad image.
First you want to log in to your back office where you can "Add A New Post"
Then you need to title the post "Test Post"; add your banner image (the one you created), go ahead and center it, and set it to full size.
Next you will need to open up the "Image Detail" pencil icon, and follow the instructions below.
In the "Link To" drop down menu, choose "Custom URL" and add your affiliate link into the long, rectangular box. Then move down to "Advanced Options" and check the box to open link in a new tab.
Congratulations! You now have a newly created, and working banner ad.
Now - Let's go ahead to the next lesson where you will actually see the html code that you just created, as well as learning how to add your new banner ad to a widget, and seeing it appear on your site.