Author Marlinda1
Rank 441

Hey there!

Today I have a training that was requested by the lovely Danielle. She asked me to make a video on linking a hyperlink to the same or a certain location on a page.

If you want to see what I'm talking about here's the post where I utilize this method in several different ways:

Its a pretty simple process but take a bit of coding. Please watch the video above.

My apologies for the quality because my screen recorder has been messing up. Despite that, I believe I've been able to show you the setup.

And tbh, it feels really good to have a request and making this video. So now that I've wasted enough time off topic, lets get into the deets ;)

What You Need To Know Before Linking To Your Page Position

Before you get started, there are a couple of things you'll need on hand.

1) You need to choose your ID.

This can be anything you want it to be. I like to use underscores to connect my words but you can use camel case or whatever is comfortable or you. I do believe it has to all connect though which means no spaces.

For the purpose of this example, I'm going to use "link_ID_name".

2) HTML Code for Text Link

<a href = "#link_ID_name">Link Text </a>

If you want to link from a different page to the page location, add the link and "#link_ID_name" at the end.


3) HTML Code for Link Marker

The marker is the place that the link will direct to. So instead of a page, or only a page, it will go to a page location too.

NOTE: There is no 'Link Text' in the marker

<a href = "link_ID_name"> </a>

Linking To A Certain Page Position


Now that you have everything ready to go, view the page that you want to place your marker(s). Find the position and write some key words, headings, etc that you can search through later in the HTML code.

I like to position my markers one line under the actual position. Ex. I'll usually put the marker under the heading tag.

Once you have found the locations, go to your text editor and navigate to the 'Text' tab that shows all the HTML.

Now search for the locations you wrote down earlier. Read through the content to make sure you have the right section and place your marker.



<a href = "link_ID_name"> </a>

This is the text.

Be sure that you save before continuing


Now its time to create your links. There's so much ways to use this and its particularly awesome for affiliate marketing because you can skip all the extra text and direct the reader to the location you want them to see like your promotion or an area that convinces them why they need your product.


This is your site content content content. And here is my list of xyz to solve your abc.

<a href = "#link_ID_name">1. Your Text </a>

Save before continuing.

Before you leave, always double check to make sure it works. I'm going to be posting a troubleshooting video later with some common errors.

But if its not working, one of the biggest mistakes I find is the hashtag (#) is in the wrong place.

I hope this video tutorial has helped. If you have any questions, comments or other feedback, please leave them in the description box below. If you use this type of linking, share with us how you utilize it too.

In addition, you can click the link below to see more of my training videos. I have videos about embedding, coding, screen-casting, and more!

See you next time!


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Fleeky Premium Plus
So well done. Thank you for the Written outline!

Has it ever happened to you that the link was broken?
Sdawson001 Premium
The link should be broken if the code is correctly implemented. Check the code if your link doesn't take you where you intended.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Ok... you mean shouldn't be broken, rt?
mechidor Premium
Hey Marinda, Thank you so much for making this video! I was so busy that I couldn't even watch it, so I am sorry for this late message:)

I'll try to do it, and I'll tell you how it goes:)

Have a wonderful day!
Chrissies Premium
Thank you so much Marlinda, I have been trying and failing at this for a while!!!! :)
Marlinda1 Premium
Your welcome :) Glad that I could help!
mybiz4u Premium
Thnx, M
Marlinda1 Premium
Your welcome M :)