Plugins can be a miracle or a nightmare for your website and yourself. Plugins are designed to facilitate the interaction each visitor has with your website. The easier it is to navigate your website, the more likely they are to come back, and most importantly make a purchase.
This tutorial is designed to help you find the best plugins for your site, how to install them, and set them up for success on your website.
When I created my first website a few years ago, I added a plugin to my website based on a recommendation from an internet marketer. Unfortunately, once I activated it, I was logged out of my website and blocked!
I was so scared! I had no idea what to do. Code can be a bit tricky and I still don't know much about them. With the fear that if I tried to fix the problem myself, I'd only be making more damage, I left my website alone for a whole week hoping the problem would fix itself.
Who knows how many customers I lost that week; and how much value they missed out on when they couldn't get to my site.
I finally figured out what the problem was and how to fix it myself; and trust me, I would never wish that on anyone.
So this tutorial is going to help you avoid this horrible situation and how to make the best of plugins.