When you get PageRank 1, position 1, your Click-Through-Rate (CTR) will surely be 200% greater than the nearest person that’s found in position 2 on the same page!
On the way to getting this accomplishment, there are lots of stumbling blocks that one needs to get rid of and lots of challenges to overcome.
Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking metric created by Moz which forecasts the ranking potential of a website. It’s an industry benchmark used by the pros when it comes to discussions about Search Engine Optimization and ranking in search results.
Domain Authority (DA) is calculated on a ratio 1:100. The nearer you are to 100, the higher ranking and greater traffic you’ll get.
Just as a high Domain Authority (DA) score can lead to getting higher ranking and traffic, so a low DA score can lead to great losses of ranking and traffic. So, you can see why you must have a high DA score.
There are quite a large number of folks out there that are currently having challenges improving their DA scores and the reason for this is that it takes a long period of time for this to really happen.
By implementing some strategies, you’ll start seeing awesome results and will watch your DA skyrocket in search engine result pages (SERPs) quickly.
Thus, there are actionable strategies you can implement to boost your Domain Authority (DA). Don’t expect to get results overnight but be rest assured to see it happen faster than you expect.
By implementing a collection of strategies, you can boost your DA by five points or greater in 14 days only. It truly works. If others could do it, then you too can.
Here's to making it happen in 2019
All the best
Merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year