We all desire a strong Alexa rank for our websites. Alexa rank analyzes the global rank on the number of visitors that visit our websites every day, the quality of the links generated, the content quality and variety and all of that.
Alexa rank is updated on an everyday basis across the entire online world. If you want to increase Alexa rank for your site at an exponential rate, then sit back and read this training tutorial down the page.
What do you understand by the Term “Alexa”?
Alexa is a subsidiary company, in ownership of Amazon, that is responsible for ranking websites with references to certain metrics such as the number of page views per day, the number of quality visitors that visit per day, the bounce rate and all of that. Alexa possesses a resource known as Alexa Traffic Rankings.
What simply determines your site Alexa ranking position includes the daily number of impressions, page views, and that of the real visitors that your website generates every day.
A rise in Alexa ranking equates higher traffic in search engines.
The specific purpose of Alexa ranking is to add value to the search engine traffic that your website gets in search results. This simply means that your site’s PageRank improves when people, who equally have the Alexa toolbar fully-installed on their own browsers, visit your website.