To finish off my debut in providing training content in W.A, i present the additional information of Affiliate Marketing Rules. I understood out there there is more comprehensive training on this matter. However, this is the one shared as my own experience in my short stint journey so far. An important reminder for me and hopefully for others too that sometimes we just too fully loaded with information or overlooked on what mattered most and may be to shallow on certain ideas and rules. It's normal as we are human being and and that's a human traits. That's the important of imperfection in life as we keep on improving and striving forward.

Affiliate marketing is very tricky and if you don’t go by the affiliate marketing rules, you would be perplexed into multiple things and the main motive of having top ranks in the algorithms outcomes would be lost. I’ve learned the hard lesson about this and keep on learning to improve and fully understand “the method of mayhem” to rock our self in our approach to the audience and consumers globally with just about an inch perfect ground for them to go to for their rocky needs of information and solutions.

For affiliate marketing, a beginner cannot just go about and have something random in his mind. I’ve have testify this myself. Might be i’d take this approach myself because in certain ways i put myself as a “beta developer” in learning. By your own trial and error, experience, and exposure in first hands, it is working for me but it takes a lot of sweat. It might not worked that way for others. There has to be something specific going on and there should always be a direction in which he or she should be heading in because that is how a proper progress would be achieved and affiliate marketing is going to be effectual and make the website successful for search engines.

The very first affiliate marketing rule that a newbie should go for is to have a plan and a plan that would work. Affiliate marketing rules are there so one could have a clear picture of what they have to do and what basic things they need to be focusing on better than anything else.

These rules can maximize anyone’s success and approach for the internet marketing overall. However you are thinking of putting up the website for the customers or whatever elements you want to introduce to it, you should have it all cleared up in your mind.

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sblasi999 Premium
publisher or advertiser? I sell candles and candle holders and blog about candle brands, candle=making and kits, so far. I am considering cj, but it's complicated for me. any suggestions?

Thanks in advance .
ontherise Premium
I would go with advertiser myself. Ultimately you want to make sales. Your blogging will attract traffic and your traffic will hopefully purchase.

Good luck!
sblasi999 Premium
thanks. I was going to do that, but then Kmart only has publisher affiliate programs.

Appreciate the effort. Best right back at you!

AfqmBiz Premium
Sorry for being late to come back to you as I was away for the past two weeks.Earlier, the market players online have all the spotlight mostly on them but as we enter 2018, all sort of market open up upon us in small and medium capacity to offer options for everyone rather than just focus on the big players.

Hey man, you have the stuff that can really open up all the possibilities for you to make a living out of it. Why not observe more the possibility as the Seller too? All three possibilities just from one product, candles.

I can say, candles, you make yourself available to both publisher and advertiser also the Seller you can have own brand of candles too. Go and do your homework on Ali Baba (if you think can try out with the small capital in hands, try to find the material on the bargain through A Grader Factory listed by them, as a Seller) and AliExpress for drop shipping (both provide publisher and advertiser too). I found CJ will giving us a bit of dilemma, I can say because of some other times a newbie status not too attractive to the networks.

Last but not least, sign up for RAKUTEN MARKETING, get your Candles niche around the place, select the directories that related to that niche, it is around the world businesses under one roof of marketplace provider. Go, Man!
dolrah Premium
Thanks, helps with my website planning.
BassetHub Premium
That's what I'm searching about

Many Thanks

AfqmBiz Premium
I am glad to find another my networking friend got helped by this info, to your success :)
BassetHub Premium
Unfortunately I couldn't get any positive results for my requests at CJ ....
Is it because I still have no traffic????
JoyNelson Premium
Thanks for putting this together! - Joy
AfqmBiz Premium
Hi Joy,

Thanks for your message. Hopefully you and me also the rest of WA Community can benefit from this together. Thanks!