Author nathaniell
Rank 53

In this video you'll learn

  • How to search for Clickbank Products in the Marketplace
  • What "Gravity" is and how to use it
  • How to sort products based on metrics you're looking for
  • Keyword Research
  • Competition Research
  • Quality Research

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Also, if you are entering a new niche, I'd check Google Trends to see if this is growing, dying, or hot niche!

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Christabelle Premium
Thank you Nathaniel!
This was a great video with awesome information! :) Christa
reefswimmer Premium
Hi Nathaniell

Cool video, man.

I like how you show people that our investigation of Clickbank products absolutely needs to go beyond the borders of Clickbank.

You've picked a couple of great examples, like the woodworking one. Maybe the guy ripped developers off, maybe he didn't. But you show how to find the question so a potential affiliate can make a decision.

You show the silliness of those ubiquitous "scam or legit" websites , usually paid ones at the top of page one, in pink. .

And you show examples of how a product website may or may not attract viewers to stay on the page----ones with lots of photos etc.

A lot of things you show people----thanks!
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
The problem there is this one guy is claiming copyright infringement, but he also claims ClickBank don't care which is a lie. If you can show them proof that the license belongs to you or someone else, ClickBank will freeze the sellers account and stop their ability to process orders pending the author showing proof of license. I have seen it happen many times. Some people like to try and get a bogus refund claiming they got scammed and some review sites are run by folks who love the word scam and declare anything a scam so back-grounding the source of the scam complaint is vital or you will miss a lot of legit programs. Every program ever has had disgruntled ex customers even WA.
reefswimmer Premium
So true! We make our decisions re: what products to promote, often based on a mix of incomplete information/misinformation . But you gotta look, research as best you can, and decide. Follow your instincts. That kind of thing.

I too have seen the craziest attempts at discrediting companies---and yeah, WA is a good example. I think WA is a great place, and I have the highest respect and gratitude to Kyle, Carson, and other major contributors here. But what some few discrediting people have said! Makes me roll my eyes like a teenager.
nathaniell Premium
@YumaBloggers, if you watch the video he gives specific examples and also claims he contacted clickbank with the examples. Apparently CB responded with canned messages, completely ignoring his complaints. If you watch the video, it's clear that he knows what he's talking about.
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
I didn't have access to his video, I had access to yours and I was talking more hypothetical. Not all negative reviews are red flags. Most are sour grapes. Someone expected miracle overnight riches and found out they had to work or spend money. That, sad to say is reality.
TammiR Premium
Thank you!
Mark Tait Premium
I look forward to your posts and training, here and on OM2C - cheers! Mark
Thank you! There is so much MIS - INFORMATION on this subject it makes a person sick!