Expand your table as you would do with an image

Input text to your table.

Format your text as you wish (Align, bold, etc)

Select the table. At the low part is a menu, select the first icon "Table Properties"

Input a number in the border field, 0 is for no borders, I prefer to use 2.

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PaulaKeen Premium
Very interesting! I've got it bookmarked and also tagging it here in WA. May come in handy sometime!! :o) Thanks for sharing this awesome editor!!!
MozMary Premium Plus
Hi, is this table responsive for cellphones?
rnarcio Premium
I just test it , and yes it is responsive, check my article about this:

Here is a table, so you can test it.
MozMary Premium Plus
I don't have a cellphone but we've been looking for a responsive table without a plugin for a while now, some peeps are going to be very interested in this!

update, I've had someone check and they think it is not responsive?