PhotoCollage Collage Maker

So, to start off you can go to and press "Get Started".

Next, drag photos on the canvas:

Choose the photos that represent your dream on your photo collage.

Let's say my dream is to travel the world - I would include the places I want to visit (or to visit specifically in 2016, for example).

I drag 4 relevant photos on the canvas and choose a template:

Once, you choose a template you can re-organize and add text to it:

Aaaand now you can save your masterpiece :)

And this is what I got. Photo collage representing my dream to travel the world.

It is one thing to have a dream on the mind, and another thing to see a visual of your dreams, and see it on a daily basis.


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ceptey Premium
Who can disagree with this. It is very true that having visual goals can drive your passion to take serious actions. It is even more important when you indicated that the goals must not just be written but pictured, printed and put at places that is visible to the eye. I know you said so because the things we see influence our thoughts and our thoughts informs our actions and our actions determine our destination.

This lesson is so important to me that I copied one of the pages and saved it on my desktop. Sometime ago, I wanted to ask you to show me how you make those beautiful collage photos of yours. And I am glad to see you teach them without me having to ask.

You are a good teacher. You are able to break your lessons down into simple and easy steps. So far, each training is so good and I salute you for your sense of judgement when it comes to selecting topics that matter. I am glad I added you to my network. Keep doing the good work :)
Zarina Premium Plus
Hey Cephas,

Thank you for taking your time to leave such a wonderful feedback!
I am super glad to hear that indeed the topic was useful to WA members. Creating goals and having it visible to the eye would definitely help WA members to achieve their goals in online business. I am sure of that.

I also thank you for your kind words! You encourage me to move forward with the trainings and keep up the good work!

P.S. I have a lot of family members who are/were teachers/professors - maybe I've got it in my genes! :D
ceptey Premium
You got me laughing with the note you left under P.S. My Dad is also a teacher but I do not feel like I have it in my genes.I will however start creating some training also since what you said is a hint that I may have inherited it without me knowing. I am going to see whether this kind of genes can be inherited or not :)
Zarina Premium Plus
Haha Cephas, you never know, you never know!
Try it and you will see!
I will be sure to check it out!
Do you know already what is your first training is going to be about?
LynneHuy Premium
I really enjoyed this. I am terrible at anything to do with graphics and I need to really step up my game with creating great images for my websites.

And of course you gave me a reminder to start with my goals for 2016. I have them all in my head but you are spot on with saying I need to write them down. What better way than a collage!

Have you heard of dream board before? It reminded me of a dream board. We did that in treatment for addiction and it has amazing results!

There is such as small and big difference between a dream and a goal. A dream is just wishing you had something. A goal is taking that dream and deciding you will have it. So take your dreams, make them a goal and put in the action needed to achieve it :)

Make 2016 the year of turning your dreams into goals and the first step can be to make a goal collage!
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Lynne,

Thank you for leaving such an excellent comment! You pointed out an interesting thing about the difference between a dream and a goal. Usually, we just interchange those two.

Let me know how creating a photo collage turned out to be for you :) Something is telling me you're going to enjoy this process of creation :)

Wish you all the success in 2016!! I sincerely believe you deserve it. You're a strong woman, keep up the good work!! :)

LynneHuy Premium
I'll let you know how it goes, I think it will be lots of fun :)
Zarina Premium Plus
Sound good, and definitely it will be! :)
Aobasesan Premium
Great post on goal setting and creating visualization to make more real. Thanks for sharing this post.
Zarina Premium Plus
Thank you!
I'm glad it was useful to You :)
WindyCityUSA Premium Plus
Good stuff, thank you!
Zarina Premium Plus
My pleasure!!
Dmorrow Premium
This is really awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Debby,
Thank you very much! :)
I am glad to hear that it is useful!
Best wishes to You,