There Are Many Ways To Create A Screenshot

Many programs have the facility to create a Screenshot, Screen Capture, and Printscreen, however, we will focus on creating a Screenshot with the Snipping Tool.

This tool is automatically provide by default with Windows platform from Windows Vista version up to the present Win 10 version. The exceptions are in Win 7 Basic and Starter editions, these editions do not provide the Snipping Tool.

Now that we know which Snipping Tool Program we are using, let's Create A Screenshot.

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Harrysastar2 Premium
Hi Tony, try Screengrap, a lot easier.
TopAchiever Premium
That's interesting... not heard of that one. Is it an app, or online access only? Uhhh... I think you meant to type ScreenGrab?
Harrysastar2 Premium
Sorry about the typo. If you're using Firefox as your browser you can use the Add-On feature, or Google ScreenGrab and download it from there. Hope this helps.
TopAchiever Premium
Thanks for confirming Harry! Great tip!
bsmith1222 Premium
Some really great information that i believe will help many here.
TopAchiever Premium
Why thank you B for saying so! ;-)
Je88 Premium
Thanks for adding another Badass trick to my Arsenal. Just to share here.Chrome also has some kick ass screen capture extension which we can even edit after capture. Check it out guys.
TopAchiever Premium
Thanks for that valuable information Jeff! How does one do that?
Je88 Premium
Go to chrome settings under extension do a search for screen capture
Choose one that can edit after capture.Its fun!you can even crop or blur the portion you select after your capture!FREE. That's the
TopAchiever Premium
Thanks Jeff! Great feedback! Much appreciated.
johandpl Premium
Hi TopAchiever, this is really nifty, thanks so have a blessed day...bye...
TopAchiever Premium
My pleasure Johan! Thanks for taking a look.
Lb830 Premium
You are just full of information aren't you?

Thank you for this. I have always wondered how people do this and whenever I have asked no one has wanted to tell me.
TopAchiever Premium
Absolutely! A wealth of information to help others succeed! :-)
Well, I guess I wasn't around then! Hope you can make the most of it now! :-)
Lb830 Premium
Thank you very much!!!

I will do my best to implement it somehow!