If you want to reach a broader audience with your niche website, creating a Google+ business page can help you do that.

Having a separate page within Google+ allows you to separate your personal profile from your business interests. It's much like setting up a separate page in Facebook. It's just on the Google+ platform. For people who have more than one site, having a Google+ business page allows you to target a specific audience that is interested in your niche.

It takes only a few minutes to set up a page. Let's get started.

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emerald860 Premium
Hi WRyan. I did not provide any personal information such as a street address, phone number or business name. Unless the rules have changed, you shouldn't have to. Did you select brand when you set up your page?
WRyan Premium
Well it didn't take me through the same steps you show, I was doing it a different way, perhaps the procedure changed?
emerald860 Premium
I went back in and checked that out. It looks like Google updated the page that asks you to select Brand, Product, etc. It should still work for you to set up a brand page for your website. If you don't have a bricks and mortar business, you shouldn't have to add an address or phone number or location. The location should be picked up by your initial Google+ account settings and see you as the owner of the page. If you are still having trouble, let me know and I will investigate further. Alanna
WRyan Premium
Thank you very much, I will work on it more today and let you know how it goes.
Varga Premium
Thanks for this Alanna, I will be creating a Google plus biz site soon
Maggie2016 Premium
Hello Alanna
Thank you for putting together Google + training. It's really helpful. I have added my google + page to WA profile, but it does not show on my profile page. Do you know why this might be?
ChrisScott Premium
This is because it is you looking at it. This keeps someone from creating false traffic.
emerald860 Premium
Hello Maggie2016. I just checked your page and you are right. It's not there. Your Google+ ID can be added to your WA profile page in your profile settings. Your ID should look something like this: https://plus.google.com/[numbers or your name here]

Do you see where to add it in your profile settings? Copy/paste the URL into your profile. Be careful to remove anything after the string of numbers or your name. You may see /posts after the numbers. Don't copy/paste those. Be sure to save your changes. Let me know if this works for you. Alanna
boucherda Premium Plus
I'm a bit slow. I can't find "Create New Page". All I get is "Add Locations"
emerald860 Premium
Hi Boucherda. Did you already make a page at some point before? If you want to create a new page, go to the gear icon on the right side of your page. Click that and you should get a drop-down that gives you an option to create a new page. Let me know if you still need help.
boucherda Premium Plus
Actually I don't see a 9-square box or a gear icon.
emerald860 Premium
Hi boucherda. I've added an additional screenshot on page one of this training. Hopefully, it will provide the information you need. Let me know if you are still having trouble. Alanna
SamiWilliams Premium Plus
Thanks for the tutorial. Hopefully I can do this.
emerald860 Premium
Hi Sami. If you have any problems, give a shout and I'll help you out. Alanna
PjGermain Premium

I have done this and highly agree with doing so.

Also, I have noticed that Google is now tracking physical addresses attached to websites. So, if you're setting up your website as a business for taxes and such OR going for some local SEO, be sure to put a physical address on your contact page. Then, get listed with Google to claim your website with Google Maps. This will help local SEO tremendously.
emerald860 Premium
Thank you, PjGermain! It's my first tutorial and I have been interested in this for quite a while. I'm only now getting around to doing it but I had a lot of fun researching and creating this!