Author Happygirl48
Rank 291026

Now we understand whychoosing a niche is not always as easy as one may have thought! We say to ourselves, oh, I know exactly what my niche will be and then some of us draw a total blank? Why do we do this? Because we come to realize that,we have to be the expert and be able to convince our readers that we understand everything there is to know about our topic. The best way to hone in on it, is to ask yourself, "what is my passion or do I have more than one that excites me?" Throughout this exercise we created a virtual map on how to do this, and why we need to give this some serious thought before we start out.]

Thank you for watching my training video. Please remember if you felt that you learnt something from this to click on the green Like Button at the bottom, this helps me too. Now you have paid it forward. If you have a question please ask and most importantly, please leave me some feedback!. Join in the discussion with the other members below and this is how you canhelp yourselves to build a bigger network by getting to know each other.

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PIOFJR Premium
Great video tutorial Sharon. Because, I can't think of any niche when I join The WA , I went straight to Bootcamp.
Happygirl48 Premium
Hi PIOF, I'm glad to be of service. Have you decided on a Niche yet? If you haven't I have an exercise that will help you to narrow It down even faster and also give you a new list of Niches for your next website when you're ready to build another one. Please let me know if you would like it! Keep smiling. Sharon:)
AlexEvans Premium Plus
Hi sharon
Great tutorial , you will get some traction with this . We all probably try and over think or complicate the process . This video is so self explanatory and will benifit many members . thank you for sharing this with us.
Happygirl48 Premium
Hi Alexander, Thank You so much. I have already had two requests for help on this topic last night just after I Published it and I've sent off some more info to help the members out. We really do tend to second guess ourselves when faced with having to make a decision as important as this one.
I really appreciate your feedback and I look forward to being of help as we move forward. If you like please feel free to share this with other members who may have missed this and or to your social groups if you can think of someone who would benefit from it. This would help me out a lot too. Keep smiling. Sharon:)
skyhigh49 Premium
Thank you Sharon for this training. Your training is short, sweet and spot on. This helps to keep from being overwhelmed by information overload.
Happygirl48 Premium
Thanks skyhigh, I'm so gad you like my visual aid training, please feel free to share it with those you feel will benefit from them too by sending them my link. This will help me too. Please feel free to ask me a question. Keep smiling. Sharon.
WHarrie Premium
Thank you Sharon. Your video really helped me to narrow my niche down. I didn't know the less people involved in the internet hunt can help us to make more sales. Good job. Thanks again. I look forward to being taught more from you.
Happygirl48 Premium
Hi WHarrie, I believe I can help you out. here is an exercise you should try.
Dissect your topic, make a list, about type 2 Diabetes, such as:
-skin care and how to treat outbreaks or being proactive so their skin doesn't brake down.
-Food, what people can eat once diagnosed, how exercise effects them and the list goes on.
You can expand through research and write about each area of the disease.
- Create a news letter that your readers can subscribe to.
-You can partner up with affiliates to sell products that will help them to monitor their disease and take care of their skin.
-Tell your readers how to prevent their children from getting it, just by cutting out eating junk food and so on.
My husband was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, about 7 years ago, so I learned very quickly how to deal with it. I hope this was helpful. Keep smiling, Sharon:)
Ken-Pringle Premium
Sharon, excellent training right on the money as it were.
You are certainly a great benefit to this community.
I thank you for sharing this with our family here at WA.
Happygirl48 Premium
Thanks Ken, I appreciate your kind words. I really like WA and I look forward to becoming successful as I move forward. I do want to become an Online Marketer, not a sales person and I like teaching others here too. Please let me know if I can be of help? Keep smiling. Sharon:)
Ken-Pringle Premium
Thank you Sharon. I agree I do not sell anything.
I share with people if they ask to buy it is great.
Build the relationship first, never concentrate on the sale.
Longevity follows and a strong secure business is born.
Happygirl48 Premium
I like the way you think Ken and I agree that friendships are developed over time and trust follows. I'm glad we met and I'm here if you need me. I wish you great success. Sharon:)