Ranking is google's way of letting you, the website owner, know that your page or post has value and should be seen over the competition.

Rather than having a page simply indexed, you should aim to have each of your pages or posts ranked in google towards the first page.

Having a post rank on the 8th page means that someone has to filter through at least 80 (10 per page) search results before seeing that your post even exists.

If you are writing engaging content that targets the low hanging fruit, you should be having posts that hit the first 3 pages in a few months as your site matures and you get google recognition.

Let's take a look at the best way to check ranking to see where your website and posts/pages rank in terms of google ranking.

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zulqar Premium
Awesome training!
CravenATAT Premium
Andrew888 Premium
This is great! Thanks for sharing.
CravenATAT Premium
Thanks and I hope it helps
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing.
CravenATAT Premium
RussellO1 Premium
This is very helpful. I found one of my articles ranked #8, my highest rank of the six articles that I checked. Thank you. I will check on the others.
CravenATAT Premium
8 is great!
Cav1966 Premium
good info though it told me none of my keywords were found on the first 10 pages. ouch
CravenATAT Premium
Don't worry, keep at it because it does take a bit of time. Use internal links between our posts to generate traffic to target posts or pages of yours
Cav1966 Premium
Yes I have internal links going to my other posts as stated in the training. Thanks for the encouragement , much needed