Author LynneHuy
Rank 1684

Adding images correctly can make a massive impact on your ranking!

Make sure that your image is optimal for your website. What I mean by this is don't upload huge images to your website because this will slow your load time considerably. So rather use JPG images than PNG. PNG are better quality images but they are considerably larger than JPG's.

Having a slow load time impacts your ranking and your readers might just leave before your website has loaded.

Make sure your image is named correctly. What I mean by this is that your image should be named your keyword with hyphens in between the words just-like-this-example.

The next really important thing for optimizing your image for SEO is adding your keyword into the Alt Text. Here you don't add any hyphens in between the words, just type them in normally.

I hope you have enjoyed this training video on how to add images to your Wordpress posts.

If you don't know how to make images please check out this training which will show you a very simple, easy and free way to design your own images for your website:

Please let me know if you have any questions and if there is other training you would like me to add for you!

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Barbaras27 Premium
Love this. Lot's of great information and tips I had no idea of.
Thanks Lynne!
johnwnewman Premium
Great tutorial again Lynne! Thanks :-)
janmar Premium
Thank you for showing all the extra options that are associated with the images.
LynneHuy Premium
It is a pleasure, those are all really important. It is easy to add an image for sure, but knowing how to optimize it can make a massive difference to your rankings.
Dreamer56 Premium
Great stuff Lynne thanks!
SandraEvans1 Premium
Found this very interesting for when I get around to using pictures,
I have saved it to my computer hope that's ok as I can't find anywhere on WA to save stuff.
SandraEvans1 Premium
By the way thank you for up loading it.
SuzQ Premium
At the right of the search bar you will see an outline of a star. Nice feature! You can mark any blog as a favorite to refer back to at any time :)
LynneHuy Premium
Yip, you can give it a star and that will bookmark it :)
SandraEvans1 Premium
I take it you mean the black bar at the top of the page with my profile picture on? if so I am missing a star....I can't see one!!
SandraEvans1 Premium
Me again found was hiding in the search tag, I'm being a thickie dum-dum
Thank you for your help, Sandra
LynneHuy Premium
Nope, if you see the title of this training right? Then underneath that it says Video by LynneHuy? Just under that is a star, if you click on that it will go yellow and you can add a tag to it. This will bookmark it for you
SandraEvans1 Premium
Still a it now, at last thank you
LynneHuy Premium
LOL no worries, it often takes me a long time to figure things out!