• First you will need one entry at the Source point and one entry at the Destination point.

If the destination point is located on the same post or page, the code you will need to use is as follows:


<a href="UniqueNameGoesHere">Text Link Goes Here</a>

<a name="UniqueNameGoesHere"></a>

Where you see UniqueNameGoesHere above, you can replace this with anything you like. Just make sure it matches the Source and Destination pairs as written above (including capitalization). It must be unique to that pair (for any other links that are similar, you will need to use a different UniqueNameGoesHere.

For example, your table of contents or Link you wish to click can be as follows:
<a href="Premium">Premium Membership Here</a>

And right before each paragraph, you could write:
<a name="Premium"></a>


Destination: Located further down the page on a completely different paragraph:

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msabundance Premium
Thanks Viper2,

I had to do this at work once and forgot the steps so thanks for refreshing my memory!

Awesome instructions!
Ljamieson1 Premium
Oh My Hat!!!!! You BRILLIANT MAN!!!!! Thank you so much, I literally jumped up and down when this worked.. Eeeeeeek!
accad Premium
It's really confusing but when you are oriented with it maybe you can enjoy especially if it fulfills what you want to happen. I'll practice it.